Saturday, June 30, 2012

YOGA BALI DVD Raw Food recipes

Sharing my new recipes and way of life gives me great satisfaction and keeps me stimulated, in fact I get excited about healthy food, I go crazy and have so much fun creating and sharing. 

I was priveldged enough to meet Chicco in Bali and work with his head chef of the most serene beautiful 'Day Spa' Resort I have experienced. 
Head chef 'Made Runatha' who is an expert in Raw Food Cuisine and we have created a Master Class session with Made i in the new YOGA BALI DVD,  showing you   how easy it is to prepare Raw Vegan  food Cuisine. 

You can watch one of the recipes from the DVD here...

If you like the Master Class and want to see MORE you can get your copy of the DVD at TODAY!

Why Raw Food?

Live plant based foods provide the body with life force, energy. Uncooked food is kept in its highest potential of providing the body with  maximum  nutrients, mineral and vitamins. They include plant based foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds,seaweed and juices. By integrating raw food into our daily lives we can enjoy higher wellness, increased energy, vitality, mental clarity and positive outlook and a higher spiritual awareness and awakening.
Living foods can heal the internal body and are rejuvenating. By keeping them raw helps retain their goodness, nutrients minerals, oxygen, life force, and lives enzymes to help digest food, repair damage and create billions of new cells everyday.
Raw foods have been proven to help with degenerated diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.

Raw Vegan master class recipe 1

 Zucchini Alfredo

2 Zucchini Sliced finely or grated with a zucchini peeler
6 cherry tomato, sliced
1/4 cup sun dried tomato
1/2 cup black olives
2 leaves of basil chopped finely
2 Shallots chopped finely
1/4 cup Olive oil
Cracked Pepper to taste


Cut zucchini long ways in half and slice with a zucchini slicer to make long strips of spaghetti, place in a large bowl.
Add cherry tomato, sliced olives, shallots.

Add cashew nut cream (SEE BELOW) to the bowl of salad and mix ingredients through  with your hands well. 
Serve on plate and garnish with basil. Sprinkle macadamia on top.(SEE BELOW)

Cashew  Cream

1 cup raw cashew nuts, soaked 1-2 hrs 
1 lemon, freshly squeezed 
1/2 soy milk
pinch of salt


Blends al ingredients in a processor well until smooth and creamy.

Macadamia Topping

Process 1/2 cup of macadamia,
1-tablespoon soy milk 
pinch of salt.

Option drizzle with 100% Olive oil and cracked pepper to taste. 

Meet Head chef 'Made Ruthna'  of Fivelements 

To see more Cooking Raw with 'Made Ruthna' and Nicky Arthur order your YOGA BALI DVD today.

Love and light 


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Align your path...

“When you feel like you are not getting anywhere, through hard work, I like to look at a stone cutter… hammering away at his rock, maybe a hundred times with out a crack, yet the hundred and first hit, it will crack in two, and I know it was not the last hit that did it but all the hard work that had gone before.”

I am grateful to have a signed contract for  my second book, and  have this opportunity to write my very first cook book... Although I have had to redo recipes and write and rewrite, I know I will nail it right eventually. My intention today is persistence… many give up when they don’t realize their full potential and success is just around the corner.
 Keep on going, when your body is tired and you see no gain and all you want to do is sigh, you must pick yourself up with a mood booster and keep on going down your track. Make it bright, happy, joyful on your way and your GOD,  divine energy, angle  or guides will keep you safe, secure and lead you to love, success, peace  and abundance. Believe in your dreams and don’t let anyone else distract you away from what it is YOU want to do in your precious life.
A mood booster, is to change your state... if you are down, or in a low negative mindset, it is vital to change your state to happiness, love , joy,  and gratitude before you can start receiving all it is you desire.

Love and light Nicky x

' Find your True North Workshops, give you just hte tools and techniques to help you get on the path to living a more enlightened joyful and healthy life. On tour now.. next stop Perth 8th July. Book today ... and come on this wonderful journey with me.  if you can't make it along to the next workshop, you might find my new DVD helpful on your journey.

 Helping others find their 'True North'

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Macaroni chia cheese

Macaroni cheese was often a popular weekend dish for me as a child  living in New Zealand, I remember it for the cheesy and savoury taste. I loved cheese as a child. In those days we were programmed that 'Cheese' and 'Cows Milk' is the only way to get the best  calcium intake.

These days living the lifestyle I lead and learning  the rewarding benefits  about raw food I can only look back and see how the amounts of pasta and dairy didn’t serve.  As a child I do remember getting sick often, and I do remember that feeling of heaviness after eating a  dairy cheesy milky dish.

Recommendation for adults is 100mg of calcium per day. One cup of milk has 296mg, but there are plenty of reasons you might not want to drink cows milk from personal to medical reasons.

10 Foods high in calcium that don't come from a cow.

Chia Seeds 820mg/100g -  1 Tablespoon = 123 mg 

Seasame 1/4 cup 351 mg calcium

Spinach   1 cup 245 mg 

Black strap molasses 1 Tablesoon 137 mg

Broccoli 2 cups 124 mg

Brazil nuts (I use to eat these when I was breast feeding.) 12 nuts = 90 mg 

Celery -2 cups 81mg 

Almonds 23 nuts aprox - 75mg 

Flaxseed 2 Tablespoon 52 mg 

Cow's milk, 1 % 120MG/100g

I found a great link to how much calcium do we really need...

My passion these days is to share with the world you can get more quality calcium intake in other foods you didn't dream of eating or mixing together and they are all wholesome, raw, and from a plant not a COW! When you think how simple that strategy is 'eating plant based foods, rather than animal' it makes sense your body is only going to turn into a powerhouse for 'Energy and Vitality' 
Nature provided and abundant supply of  live grown foods for us to enjoy and benefit the nutritional value from. Most of these super foods I use in the recipes are ancient and been around for thousands of years. 
We just didn't know about them. When you open your mind to new ways, 

 I am excited to create this dish and I know you will enjoy it as much as I did and it is raw, high in calcium and ever so satisfying. 

Macaroni Chia Cheese

1-cup cashew nuts presoaked 2 hrs
4 Yellow Squash
¼ cup olive oil
½ teaspoon sea salt
¼ cup of savory nutritional yeast
1-teaspoon onion flakes
1-teaspoon chillie flakes
2 Tablespoon chia seeds
2 Tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon
¼ Shallot
Pinch of turmeric
½ garlic clove
½ cup walnuts

Slice squash with zucchini peeler or slicer to create long noodles, allow to sit.
Mix 1 Tablespoon of chia seeds into remaining ingredients and process until smooth and creamy. Add to yellow squash and massage through with your hands slowly and gently, unitl mixed thoroughly mixed through.

Process walnuts and a pinch of chille flakes and sea salt. Top with walnuts as the bread crumbs.
