Knowing how important our red blood cells are to our well being and to keep them clean, healthy and plentiful wouldn't we look for something that gives our body the tools to do exactly that?
I have been passionate for many years at studying the human body, nutrition and fine tuning the mind, body and soul from a holistic perspective.
Since I have made significant changes to my own life and health, such as giving up alcohol over 3 years ago, becoming vegetarian, living a raw food lifestyle and aligning my life to increased happiness, gratitude and success I have included and become to love my green smoothies. Each time I stray away from my green smoothies I can feel the difference in my body physically and mentally.
Benefits of drinking Green Smoothies.
- Green smoothies are very nutritious
- Easy to digest
- Green smoothies provide fibre are a complete food opposed to juices. Consuming fibre is important for our elimination system
- By mixing a ratio of 60:40 the fruit dominates the flavour making something green taste so great. All humans of all age can easily drink smoothie. Especially healing for elderly people or people suffering any illness or anyone needing to increase the immune system.
- Chlorophyll found in Green plant based vegetables is known to help build and transport red blood cells. Check out this interesting article on Chlorophyll A molecule of chlorophyll closely resembles a molecule of human blood so consuming chlorophyll is like receiving a healthy blood transfusion”.
- Easy to make and quick to clean up after is one of my favourite benefits besides all the super healing benefits.
- When consuming 2-3 Cups daily of Green Smoothies you are reducing the amount of oils and salt in your daily nutrition.
- After drinking Green Smoothies for 2-3 weeks most people start to crave more greens... even writing this, is making me crave a green smoothie, now that has to be a great thing for your body, rather than craving sugar or foods that are processed with artificial sweeteners or preservatives.
- Green smoothies will keep up to 3 days in the refrigerator and while fresh is best, this is helpful to know when leading a very busy life at work or home. I often make a batch up to last for the day and at least one ready for the morning. I love the energy I ooze that comes from my green smoothies.
Keep it live, green, and natural.
Love and light