Do you believe food can be your medicine, medicine can be your food?
I recently had a accident and it resulted in an injury to my body. If there wasn't a better time in my life to connect to the honest life style I live today, this was the time to practice everything I know and believe in YOU CAN HEAL YOUR BODY through healing foods and meditation.
My recent story for Healing.
It literally took my under one week to fully heal. The healing process was amazing and fast, even my doctor was totally blown away with the recovery. Boosting your immune system is the Key.
The injury was a burn, and I am thankful today for my trust on this healing way of life. But there was more to just the healing food nutrition. I added daily meditation morning and night, yoga, rest and relaxation. What ever your complaint or injury read on to find out powerful healing foods that can help you heal fast and nourish your soul.
Our next retreat will teach you how to stop reacting to life, and really taking control of your life, and living with awareness to what you eat, think, breathe and believe. Please see details below for our next 'Healing retreat'
Do you feel like the world or your environment is pushing you in a direction you never signed up for, or dreamed about?
When you hurt yourself, my personal belief is it comes as a message to stop, reflect and become more present. That was my reminder, life gives you nudges and it is up to you to become aware of those signs, you may be not living in the present moment. I know at the time of my accident I was not in the present moment, and my mind was else where. The lesson was a gift, reminding me how important it is for safety to practice living a conscious life.
Life can be challenging, but it is up to us to take control of the path.
Are you stuck in a relationship you feel you can't move on from or align to true happiness love and success?
Are you sick of always feeling tired, or sick, depleted or living with pain in your body?
Are you seeking something else?
Do you struggle with weight gain, or lacking success with weight loss goals or true transformation?
Or maybe it is your mind getting in the way, and always self sabotaging your true destination, health and happiness?
Often habitual habits are created that many don't know are being repeated in their life.
It maybe time to undo or reveal some honest truths about yourself and only you can change?
Do you accept getting old, worn out and believe its age that is why you are feeling aches and pains in your body?
There is another way, a simple fun and invigorating way to learn, grow and evolve your body and life journey on a path that will stimulate and invigorate your life.
Are you clear about what your soul purpose is in life?
Do you know what you want to do for the rest of your life until you are in your 100th year. Can you even imagine yourself at that age, seeing yourself giving to others and sharing your wisdom.
I personally believe we all have a soul purpose, however many people in life end up settling for second best and often are not open in the heart to truly believe that there is so much more of themselves they can give to others and themselves.
Our retreat is for the people who want to finally get off that treadmill of struggle, unhappiness or living an unproductive vibrant healthy life.
Yes this can be confronting to read, I know what it is like and too have experienced being challenged to face some home truths about my own habits and mindset. Starting with one simple step, cleaning up your health can be a start and a very invigorating and fun experience.
Here is my list of Healing Foods I used to heal my skin.
Good nutrition is also important for optimal recovery. You can get a whole list of recipes in my book 'Cooking with CHIA' online or in your nearest bookstore. If it is out of stock most stores are happy to order it in for you.
- Turmeric Tea (my recipe, boiling water cooled, 1 tspn turmeric and cracked pepper to taste)
- Chai seed puddings
- Cinnamon
- Coconut Yogurt, Water, oil
- Live seeds, chia, sunflowers, pumpkin
- Raw ginger and ginger tea with lemon, honey
- Raw Honey for healing
- Kiwi Fruits and
- Kale
- Spinach
- Onions
Reduce your stress
Though this is not food-related, reducing your stress can promote healing. There is also a good chance that once you start eating healing and energising foods, you will feel better and be able to deal more effectively with daily stressors, too and get the body into a healing mechanism state for faster recovery what ever your injury is. These above foods are also fantastic for anti-inflammatory. Part of my healing process was meditation morning and night, early nights, massage and nature walks.
Location is Ubud Fivelements
Check out here
We all know how amazing and the high healing powers Aloe-vera is, but make sure you use the plant next time. Again both myself and the Doctor was amazed at how fast the recovery was on my skin. The nurse gave me the plant each day to take home and apply to the injuries. It was impressive to see the speedy recovery, although the more serious wounds were dressed and aloe is not to be used on broken skin with burns.
Aloe vera plants have been used for centuries to treat burns holistically. While the science to verify the long-held beliefs about the efficacy of aloe vera as an herbal remedy is conflicting, anecdotal evidence is strong. The clear sap inside the leaves of the plant has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties that soothe and heal burn injuries. The plant feels so natural and soothing on the skin. I can't wait to grow this plant so I can have it hand and to appreciate nature and what it provides us to help heal our bodies and master making my own Aloe Juice.
Please note: Thanks to my First Aid yearly courses I have been updated with the correct information on how to initial treat a burn, and running the burn under Cold Water for 20 mins is what saved me from further damage and risk of scar. If you ever burn yourself you must run cold water on the area for at least 20 mins then seek medical help for further dressing and special antiseptic burn creams and gels.
Do you want to learn how to boost your immune system?
Make it part of your life?
Need some inspiration to change old habits and change your lifestyle?
Check out the retreat details, we have a couple of spaces left.
Check out here
To Book email today and I can call you soon to discuss the details in full.