Sunday, August 31, 2014

Bat For Joe Cootamundra

Earlier this year I was fortunate to have made a connection with the lovely Jodie Roberts and her family. I was very touched by the story of Joe and his ongoing battle with the disease congenital Cytomegalovirus, (CMV).
On hearing Joe’s story it just won my heart over instantly and I wanted to do something to help. I felt an instant connection to Joe and his family, being a mum myself to two girls I could relate to the unconditional love and dedication one has to their children. I was so overwhelmed with the Robert’s family’s positive spirit and unconditional love. I met with the Roberts family and on meeting Joe I was inspired by his warmth and good nature even after coming out of an intense therapy session. He still managed to give me an enthusiastic high five!

How could I help this young boy Joe in achieving his health goals that he so deserved to reach.  In my teachings, I encourage others to take a positive mindset by clearing the mind and remaining positive to heal the body.  I guess some of us may take this for granted, that we are blessed with a functioning body and mind something that Joe unfortunately may not experience in his life time. The simple things that we take for granted like taking a walk, having a shower and being able to say simple words of love to each other.

I wanted to help support Joe and his family and have a quest to help the Robert’s family manage the pain that Joe and his family have to deal with on a daily basis.  The power of mind can help to alleviate this pain and I have been working with the Roberts family by providing Joe with relaxation therapy including relaxation CD’s and affirmations for the family too, that will help provide a calm and happy space that will enhance a happy functional family environment.

I can see that with our support and my approach to healing the mind and body that we can make a difference to Joe’s life by making sure that we provide all the tools to give him the upmost quality of life and ensure that he knows he is accepted and loved unconditionally. We can all be a part of providing a positive uplifting energy to support Joe and generate a sense of community spirit.

Joe is meeting milestones all the time and by helping him in mind and body we can together bring Joe some comfort with this rare disease. They are a truly inspiring family with lots of love to give and I am very honored to be part of the healing.

I would like to take the opportunity to bring awareness to Joe’s condition and also help others to create wellness in their lives and cope with the ever-changing environment that we live in. Moving forward we would like to support Joe in his quest for well being.

I look forward to watching Joe strive and grow and provide the best possible outcome for Joe’s ongoing needs. I hope we can as a community pull together and support this cause for Joe.

To Book Cootamundra 1 Day Bat For Joe.

DATE: Sunday 23rd November 2014

VENUE: The Auditorium
Cootamundra Ex-Servicemens Club
299 Parker Street, Cootamundra

Time: 10am – 3pm
Interactive Workshop
Cost: $140 inclusive of yoga mat & drinkbottle


The YOGAFIT MIND & BODY 1- DAY - it's all about YOU!

How often do we hear that? Not often enough!

This 1 day event really is all about you and it is designed for you to take time out to fully restore, rejuvenate and revitalise your mind and body. The one day is to provide the time, knowledge and space for you to reconnect with yourself... in mind, body and soul.

or click here to secure your spot and register.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Osterogen Detox

So your facing menopause, overweight, in pain, have an injury the list can go on for women in their 50's.
Going through change with the body doesn't mean it has to be a hard and depressing time, you can turn it around in a flash, but it helps to have a coach, someone that can come from a passionate place and help you through this time of your life, so you can come out the other side, stronger, healthier, balanced and happier. 

Oestrogen progesterone imbalance is becoming more responsible for many health issues in today's world. Too much oestrogen or excess is becoming an increasingly common problem, with men and women. 
There are many reasons why women have excess. And I am sure you all know eating habits, stress, self hate, overweight are contributors along with excess oestrogen. But where do you start? The best place is to start with someone you trust and from a holistic level that works. 
Here some facts on oestrogen. 

What causes excess oestrogen

After working with many women bring their bodies back into balance and harmony, and the study of the human body it is prevalent today around the theory of why your body has excess oestrogen.

Factors contributing oestrogen excess is our intake of influence from substances that act in a similar way to oestrogen. 
Some plants provide us with phytoestrogens. But the most noted are soybean and linseed's. Research gives us evidence today eating phytorstogens and in particular soy products can  contribute  to hormonal disease. I am not talking about the small amount of soy you have in your Chai Tea, but the awareness to soybean is being used in many processed foods, and often over consumed without you even realising. 
There are many chemicals in our environment today that have been recognised as endocrine disruptor's, particularly in pesticides. Including skin care and beauty products contain this substance called phthalates, which has a blocking effect on many hormones.

Dietary Fibre 

Low levels of dietary fibre and high levels of saturated fat can also contribute as a negative effect to your oestrogen levels. 

On our programs we teach you to increase fibre, adapt new eating habits, exercise and relaxation/meditation and mindset exercise that are all relevant to turning your body around and bringing it back into harmony and balance. The payoff is, generally our members lose weight, feel more energised, happier,  and live with less pain if any. 
We are not talking about a diet, our programs inspire you to make lifestyle change that is exciting, enjoyable and something you can maintain for the rest of your life. 
Now wouldn't that be a nice thought to live into your 100th years, so you can see your children's children grow up and possible meet their children and with no pain. It is possible and it is possible to go through the change of life in a positive supportive and nurturing way.

Janice's Story
 Janice one of our recent members who came to me 14 kg overweight and in pain with her hip. She was booked in for her operation and her pain was a 10/10 very high, by week 3 it dropped down to 3. Her energy was low 3/10 and but the time we finished her energy was a 10/10.
Janice embraced this lifestyle and her words were 'If I can do this anyone can' 'I want to inspire other women in their 50's it is possible to get your body back in shape and in balance, be happy and energised, have some fun with the recipes along the way!'

Janice embraced the recipes and was really excited on her journey sharing with her friends and family even her daughter is now doing what she did. If we can inspire our children and be role models in life, now that is making a difference to our future women and world.

Read on for the  inspiring Janice  Story...

Hi my name is Janice 56 years old, married, mother of two, and grandmother of five beautiful girls.

Always slim full of energy on the go all the time, then got to 50 was still good for about a year. Then things went down hill, lethargic, tired, menopause I'm thinking although was still having a period up until 55.

Things do change for women, we don't take time for ourselves, I didn't have the empty nest syndrome, my daughter had my first granddaughter at 18, and she was young just left school. I felt she needed to work so Nana to the rescue. I looked after Sophie more or less full time while she worked. She married had another two children still working and Nana now got three of them to look after, not full time but very involved which I loved and still do.
The other thing my husband of 34 years has worked away all our married life, so on top of all my (home duties) I also had to organize everything else around the home, gardens, pool, cars, whatever had to be done. I don't say this with complaint, it was just how things were and still are. We do have a lovely life because of all his hard work, wait I have also worked most of our life, only finishing four years ago.

Now that you have a snippet of how busy things can be, where was the time for me, I always loved exercise, so joined the gym. Went good for a while saw results inches not weight
I then started with aches and pains, thinking to myself don't recover like I used to from exercise I decided a trip to doctors was due had a checkup and some blood tests, everything good, well why do I feel like I do, tired, sore, not sleeping, menopause. I also had x-rays because of a sore hip osteoarthritis. Great but at least I knew why my hip was sore. I decided time to stop gym as much as I loved it pain wasn't worth it a couple of classes and the rest of the week I was in agony.

My diet wasn't bad I ate pretty good, I love cooking and cooked healthy meals, so weight where did that come from, wine loved a glass of wine or two.
I knew I had to do something to make myself feel better, I thought you don't just get to this age and that's it you get old. I did not want to hear that or believe it either.
I was due to go on a months holiday, family wedding included in that month.
Went shopping bought the dress jacket new shoes felt great, all ready bought them about three months before. I put the dress on just to check it was okay and it was tight, went out bought the knickers to pull the tummy in thought that's all I can do.
That was it I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING !!!

I had met Nicky in Karratha a few years earlier and was very impressed with her energy and passion for yoga and her health. We had kept in touch, so I sent her an email and said sign me up for the week I get back from holidays. My mind was set I was going to commit to her programmed, and change how I felt.

Well what can I say what a transformation in four weeks, first thing pain was nothing like it had been, energy levels were up, I could keep busy all day and not feel down or tired. I realize I had been poisoning my body with some of the foods I ate and the alcohol.

I am now on week 5 and I can't believe how different I feel. I fully intend to strict with this lifestyle as I had tried different diets pills and potions but this works and just makes you feel so good. I am sure the eating raw foods has helped with my pain and inflammation. I haven't been exercising or doing yoga just really focused on what I was eating. I am going back to yoga this week as I am not in pain and feel I can get back into exercise.

Thanks again Nicky 
Janice WA May 2014 

I would like to take this time to congratulate Janice for making these changes to her body and life. Thank you for sharing your story, we appreciate it as many women I know will relate to your story.
Nicky xx