Thursday, June 30, 2016

Forces of Nature

Forces of Nature

From my years of experience and study on health and fitness I am excited to share 
with you what works and how to get results. The results most people are after are 
similar. Increase energy, vitality, fitness and WEIGHT LOSS. You can exercise all you 
like but if your nutrition is not clean then you will always struggle to make 
changes. I have watched members in the gym for over 20yrs train and never change 
their body. If you workout just to feel great and maintain then you are achieving 
your goal. However if you are sick of 'yo yo' dieting and never getting results then 
listen up! 

 Recipe above from our BIKINI MAMA member  Jo, who is making clean and healthier choices. 

Learning how the body works and how it was originally designed, helps you 
understand why our bodies just don't function the best on processed foods, gluten 
and white flour, artificial sweetener's etc. 
In a nutshell: our bodies were never designed to break down these food types. When you add 
water to flour, what does it do? It acts like glue, and is very hard to even rinse off 
the bowl... this helps us understand how it works inside our body. It takes your
digestive system a huge amount of energy to break down white bread, flour, fried 
foods or any heavy foods that are processed and toxic to our bodies. This is why 
you can feel tired after eating such foods. 
Getting your digestive system working to optimal condition plays a vital role in 
weight loss, energy and internal health. 
Let me coach you on how to live a healthy and vibrant life. 
Let Food be Thy Medicine and Medicine be Thy Food"
Our bodies were designed generations ago to eat LIVE GROWN foods, years ago they 
lived off green leaves from plants. 
This program is not a diet. When you diet you deprive your body from nutrients. My program is a way of life, it educates you on what you need to add back to your life rather than focusing on elimation and deprivation. 

Join my next BIKINI MAMA & be inspired to make the changes to live the life you dream with energy & vitality.


( a summer body, made in winter!' 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Bikini Mama Story


We are so proud of our BIKINI 👙 MAMA! Thank you for sharing your story! 

✅Next round 24 JUNE  REGISTER NOW, I guarantee you results! 

Before & After photo of one of my successful lovely Bikini 👙

Register here:

Mama's.... from ROUND ONE. ✅💪 Here is her story and fantastic before/after images. 



My goal was to fit into my pr- pregnancy jeans. I'm now fitting into all of my pre- pregnancy clothes 🙌🏼.
Im doing yoga & mediation, something I've wanted to do for about 5 years! I've had back troubles & been on pain relief for quite some time, but since doing the 10 weeks haven't had the need. Not sure if that's from the yoga helping my body or from feeling amazing from eating clean food & not wanting to put toxins back into it? 
Thank you Nicky Arthur. 🙏🏼❤️
Congratulations BIKINI MAMA 
I guarantee you RESULTS! 🙏
Register Now EAT BETTER and LOSE WEIGHT! Register here:



Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Join me in this Weight Loss Breakthrough!

I am an offering a limited slot FUN weight loss program - 


10 Week Mind and Body Transformation ~ 10 Wk MBT
Not a Diet, it is a way of life to preventative health and vitality. 

Why join me?

The online ten-week mind and body transformation program is designed for YOU to:
  • Increase your immune system, 
  • Boost health & vitality. 
  • Weight-loss
  • No need to pound the concrete or smash weight
  • Holistic online program to bring your body into harmony and balance
  • Online Weekly Yoga workouts
  • Gluten & Dairy Free Nutrition
  • Raw and Healing recipes - all plant whole food based
  • Weekly Shopping lists and recipe planners, plus motivation and weight loss tips that work.



Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Being is probably the most beautiful thing in the world. 


There will be great days but there will be days that you're too stressed out running after your little ones and well, being a mom. Which is why you need a way to destress and do something for yourself because you deserve that. 
Finding something that you love to do, a hobby is a great way to enjoy yourself and still be the world's greatest mom. For me, that "something" is yoga, specifically the program I made called "Bikini Mama". For me, it has changed my life. It made my daily living easy and it's something I can do with my girlfriends to relax and enjoy while getting more benefits than you could possible imagine. Let me list them down for you.
1. Body Transformation
It's no secret how much motherhood demands from our bodies. We give away our body for 9 months in order to grow a tiny human baby and no one really warns you about the consequences of giving birth. With yoga, we promote getting your ideal body back in just a few weeks. We aim to promote toning and strengthening of your body. Those backpains you experience for working so hard, we can make go away. Through this process, you will also  lose weight if it's your goal. I will help you get the body you long to get back. 
2. Owning your happiness
As women, we also need a "ME" time. With Bikini Mama, you have the opportunity to feel good about yourself after a good session. We need to own our happiness. We need to remember to feel good about ourselves. Even if we sometimes don't have time for ourselves, we can always have Bikini Mama to back to and feel relaxed and connect to our inner selves.
3. Feeling and looking Healthy
With our busy schedules, who has the time to check if we had a good run like we used to. One session can change that. We can feel healthy in the inside and the outside with Bikini Mama. This program increases the energy you have inside and projects it to the rest of the world. You will be full of positivity in no time. You will feel good about yourself- which is what we all want. 
4. Spreading the Happiness you gain
With Bikini Mama, I can guarantee you that this will bring happiness to you and your family. The effect of our program is not just to make you feel good about yourself and to be happy. This also gives a ripple effect to the people around you- your family. You will have inner happiness like no other. You will be able to spread the love and happiness you gain with our sessions to your family and everyone you meet.
It's time you give yourself a chance to feel good and look good at the same time. Join BINIKIN MAMA ROUND 2  2016. Register Now EAT BETTER and LOSE WEIGHT! Register here: #bikinimama2 #nickyarthur See you there!