Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year Success!

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.
- Michelangelo

Starting a fresh new year is like starting a year with a new slate. It gives you the opportunity to change old habits and strength to change your path to ignite your dreams. This time of the year is highly beneficial to those who normally do not goal set or even follow through with achieving goals and dreams. This is the time today to stop reflect what worked last year for you and what didn't. 
You can map out a plan, or strategic plan. Use all your goals and dreams as the big picture then start to map out what you must do to take action. What do you need to do to make it happen.
This is one of my many secrets to living a productive happy and successful life. 
My dream to write a book would not have happened if I did not commit to researching every day, writing something everyday. I had to take action, and I had to persevere  and continue to believe in my big picture. My book now is only a small part of my big picture but at that time of my life it was a massive goal.

Today seriously take some time out to think about what you would love to achieve. Not what others would like you to do. You may find you have to enrol in a course or change something you are doing right now in your life to create more time and commitment towards this dream.

If you already have a business and you want to take it to another level or improve its success try these tips.

Here are my tips inspired by principles of a  'Military Strategy'
1. Do the unexpected... when it comes to marketing and sales this means to be continually seeking ways to keep up with your competition or out-flank.
2.Do the opposite to last year. Try something completely NEW. Yes it takes courage but you may be surprised it could turn out to be the perfect solution  In business and relationships. If you find your self in a hole, don't dig deeper. Stop digging. Change strategies excite me, all you need is the courage to CHANGE.
3.Follow through and follow through. Its called Exploitation. You will have to be strong and focused when you hit challenges or obstacles but successful people have a way of following through. Even if it takes a little longer just keep following through with your vision- the big picture! Exploit it to the fullest.
4. Harmony... learn to work harmoniously with others in all relationships, business and personal. This has to be my favourite and one I practice with passion. In the corporate or military world this is called... Co-operation! I like to call it 'Synergy' It is your responsibility to work effectively and harmoniously and this is a major key for success

Have fun mapping out your plan. Ignite your goals by taking action to making the first step... commit them to paper. From there you can map out the steps in order to make it happen.

Happy New Year.

Friday, December 30, 2011

New Years Day Breakfast

I am asked frequently new ideas and recipes eating a Live Raw way of life.
The sky is the limit and I love to create  and share yummy raw healthy recipes. Cooking destroys nutrients. This way of life is time efficient fun and healthy.

My 10 week Mind and Body Transformation program will help you step by step clean out  the crap from your pantry to new healthy nutritional foods and vitamins. To do this in one day often goes in the 'too hard' basket, that is why we spend 10 weeks teaching and guiding you a new way of living with healthy food.  There is no calorie counting, or the feeling of dieting.  This way of life living with an unlimited supply of fruits vegetables nuts seeds legumes and other food that will only serve your body well to reach 'VITALITY' The beauty of this lifestyle  is becoming more productive and living in the present moment. You will have the energy to POWER through your days and I still stop each day and acknowledge how much I achieve in one day and yet not feel physically exhausted! You will feel empowered and fulfilled.

If you missed my Christmas Eve wish here is is again before the New Year starts. ttp://

Here is a new recipes for your Breakfast for those who still love cereal and TASTE!

1 cup of puffed brown rice or puffed millet
1 cup of rice milk or almond milk
4 fresh strawberries sliced
1/2 cup of fresh blueberries
1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds
1 tablespoon sunflower seeds
4 almonds
1 tablespoon almond meal
1 teaspoon or cacoa 'Super Food'
1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
drizzle honey
optional add 1/2 banana

Enjoy with a cup of green Tea. My favourite green tea is Just Organic Green Tea found at all Aldi Stores.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Cleanse

Are you feeling heavy after overindulging over Christmas? All it takes is a couple of days over eating and drinking for your LIVER to become ANGRY.

The best way to align your body to Vitality and health is to get as much GREEN back into your nutrition as much as possible. It is time to calm your internal body and restore your liver. Before New years Eve is here.

One of my favourite recipes is this raw avocado soup.

1 ripe avocado
1 cup of filtered water or nut milk
1 lemon squeezed
1/4 cup coriander leaves
1 tablespoon of chives
1/2 shallot minced
Blend well in Blender until smooth. Store in glass jar or bowl for 30 minutes before serving. Garnish with small cubed avocado, basil leaves or cherry tomato.

My other favourite is starting the day with a  Green Smoothie or even better have a whole day on green smoothies to cleanse and reboot your liver. I like to call it a mini de-tox day.

Chlorella is great to add to your smoothie. The benefits are

  • strengthen immune system
  • cleanses the blood stream, liver and kidneys 
  • helps raise the pH of your body to more alkaline state
  • promote friendly flora in your gastrointestinal tract
  • helps fight fatigue and moods swings associated with PMS
Be careful to use sparingly at first. My first experience using Chlorella got me sweeping out too fast. So follow instructions or start with 1/2 teaspoon at first and build up to one teaspoon. 

Green Smoothie Power Boost
1 zucchini
1 small head of broccoli
1 large green apple
2 cups of English spinach
1/2 cucumber
1 teaspoon chlorella

I am not a fan of restrictive diets or full on de-tox cleanses, but when you eat 100% natural live grown foods with a bit focus on GREEN, you needn't calorie count, or restrict yourself. Food is plentiful and abundant when it comes to eating a Live Raw Food Lifestyle.

For my 3-day cleanse you can get it here and see  the New year in feeling light, energised and full of vitality.

Perth Seminar coming soon Book here.

Think Green and become LEAN with VITALITY!

Monday, August 22, 2011

A strong network can help you achieve weight loss goals

 How can having a strong support network of friends keep you on track to stay healthy?

 Your circle of influence is important. Positive, supportive friends will ignite your flame by encouraging you and praising you along the way which helps you stay on track towards your goal. As a word of caution, be on the look out for energy suckers! They are those people who sometimes slip into your life whose toxic thoughts and comments can dampen your flame. Choose to surround yourself with positive, uplifting motivating people. 
Are there any consequences of trying to ‘do it alone’? 
 Doing it alone is a complete myth in terms of the human race. We are all linked and highly interdependent. In fact, there are two common ways to learn. We can use the slow and imprecise method of trial and error, or we can expedite the process and inevitably get a better outcome, by learning from the experts and utilising the skills, knowledge and wisdom of a mentor.
What are the consequences of spending time with friends who aren’t supportive of your healthy life?
  I personally believe there are 3 types of people, the drainers, the cruisers and the energisers. We all have a choice as to who we invite into our life. Positive attracts positive. Spending time getting in touch with your own thoughts can help you identify and shift faulty thinking habits, which in return helps attract positive, supportive people into your life that are more likely to help you realise your goals. Look to maintain a positive energetic state by surrounding yourself with energisers.  At the same time, look to minimize the time you’re spending with any drainers, because their negative energy is only going to hold you back from reaching your desired goal weight.
 Having a workout buddy help you emotionally and your weight-loss attempts.
 Training with a buddy will help you stay motivated, You can both  lift one another’s energy and encourage each other when the other is feeling flat depleted  or tired. Organising extra walks around nature can be an opportunity for you to talk about your emotions and stay on track. Be aware when off loading emotions to your training partner- give energy to one another and move on. Finish your work out together on a positive emotional high.
Having a sympathetic confidante, someone you can call through the ups and downs can help.
 We all need to off load from time to time. Achieving your goal requires hard work, determination and focus and as humans, we have many distractions and obstacles that can knock us off course. Having a supportive confidante to talk to and share your personal weight loss journey with is a big motivator, especially if we’re feeling a little down. In fact, Bottling emotions and trying to do it alone only increases anxiety and stress and which serves to hold you back from achieving your goal. The act of achieving your weight loss goals is helping you to learn, grow and reinvent yourself, so hang in there and stay positive. With a dose of commitment, the right support and a good plan, yes, you can do it!

 How can having a tough love expert, a friend who isn’t afraid to tell it how it is can help you emotionally and  your weight-loss attempts?
The lens through which each of us views the world contains mental filters which bias us in certain ways, so the way we see the world can often not match the reality Opening our mind to other viewpoints and perspectives is a wonderful thing. When we’re in pursuit of our goals, sometimes we can become so single minded that we mis-interpret the situation and slip off track. For example, we can make excuses for not sticking to our diet or exercise plan (eg I haven’t got time) and not realize that we’re simply just making excuses. At times like this, having someone there to be honest and give you hard core facts, in a respectful manner is exactly what is required .
        Changing our old patterns of behavior into productive new habits can be difficult and uncomfortable at times. But successful people are open to receiving new ideas and they are courageous and focused enough to push through the discomfort associated with lifestyle change.
       The mere process of successful change unleashes an energy and inner strength that is a catalyst for continued future personal growth

 Having a kitchen whiz  friend who loves food, cooking and a zest for life  can help you emotionally and with your  weight-loss attempts.

Having a creative friend who is a kitchen whiz can add genuine energy in to your circle of influence and keep you excited about the abundant, healthy food options available. Healthy eating can be tasty and fun and becoming creative by adding more healthy colour to your plate will only enhance your weight loss attempts. A positive approach and a loving attitude to your body and towards food will help you achieve your goal far more quickly and smoothly
Having a role model, a friend who’s done it before help  you emotionally.
  The right role model or mentor has the experience, desire and ability to help you reach your goals in time efficient and a productive manner. Most happy and successful people love to help share and teach others, so utilize this principle to your advantage. As a word of caution, be mindful, when it comes to weight loss everyone’s body is different, and  what worked for others may not necessarily work with you. However having a positive approach and clarity of your goals will be a great start.

In a nutshell...

A basic lifestyle change should be your core objective. A key aspect of this process is to become aware of the thoughts, emotions and actions which are creating the outcomes in your life.
Look to use the full arsenal of tools that I’ve mentioned in this article to help you realize your weight loss goals. A non-negotiable aspect in realizing any challenging goal is to maintain a positive “can-do” attitude. With the right mind-set and the right strategy you’re definitely heading in the right direction