Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Healthy Banofee Pie

School holiday treat time...But with live super foods. My favourite super food...
                                            RAW VEGAN CACAO POWDER

I love making my girls yummy healthy raw vegan desserts and treats. It satisfies my heart and soul knowing I can give them something yummy special but also healthy that gives their body nutrients and energy rather than robbing it.
Not only will your kids love this the whole family can enjoy a dessert together.

In my new revamped Raw Banofee Pie I use the super food Cacao Power.. notice CACAO not cocoa powder. There is a big difference. CACAO is a super food and has more antioxidants flavonoids than blueberries, red wine, green tea
  • Promote cardiovascular health - Help dilate bloods vessels, reduce blood clotting, improve circulation, help regulate heartbeat and blood pressure, lower LDL cholesterol, and reduce the risk of stroke and heart attacks.
  • Protect from environmental and metabolic toxins - Help repair and resist damage caused by free radicals, and may reduce risk of certain cancers.
There are many more benefits of Cacao powder. Instead of using the traditional processed caramel in this recipe I have used my favourite chocolate recipe instead. 

Banofee Pie

Step 1
1cup almonds
3 fresh dates ( you can use pitted dates soaked if you haven't got fresh, add 1/2 cup
water plus the 3 dates)
1 tablespoon agave (or honey)
blend all ingredients in a food processor until forms together.

Press out into a flan dish, press up the sides
place in the freezer

Step 2
3 Tbspn Cacoa
2 Tablespoon coconut oil
2 Tablespoon agave
Pinch of sea salt
Melt coconut oil, in a bowl  add cocao powder, agave, stir well.

Step 3
Take base out of freezer and pour chocolate ontop, put it back in the freezer until sets 

Step 4
Slice and cover fresh bananas ontop. Sprinkle with chia seeds or if you want to be naughty follow the next step. 

Step 5 - For the Kids... 
Beat fresh cream and cover the top of the pie 
Ready to serve on its own or with fresh strawberries. 

To read more on CACAO powder

New Yoga Bali DVD has 3 Raw Vegan Master Classes included. Get your copy today.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Zest of life

The beauty of olive leaf extract oil is it is the king of ANTIOXIDANTS and provides and overall to well being. If you are sick of getting sick, then maybe this highly beneficial Liquid will help boost your immune system.

I have been using olive leaf extract oil for years now and love the healing power it seems to have on my body. If I feel anything coming on, I double dose on the product along with a drink of  honey, lemon, boiling water cooled, plus magnesium powder. Its always been my little dose to giving my body the zest it needs to fight off any flu or those times when you have been burning the candle at both ends, as my mother use to say. These days I have balance and strive to look after my health by taking time out to relax and rejuvenate my body and soul and help inspire others to do the same.

A friend just recently complimented on my physical body how fortunate I am to have a healthy strong body that carries me through life. It made me reflect on my physical body and how important it is that we all take responsibility to look after the body best way we can. We are made up of energy, and will go on living but while we are here PHYSICALLY it is our job it look after our home of our energy, I like to call it in my 'How to be a Happier Mum book'

Here are the health benefits

Olive Leaf Australia - Olive Leaf Extract :
A multi-use health food supplement that has been used in traditional remedies all over the world
·      Helps maintain a normal healthy cardiovascular system and has mildastringent properties
·      Traditionally used to help relieve fevers
·      Assists in the maintenance of normal heart function
·      Has powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties
·      Olive leaves have been used widely in the traditional remedies of many nations, including for fever relief. They also help to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system and normal heart function.

The liquid extract in this bottle contains a range of very powerful cell-protecting antioxidants and is made directly from fresh-picked olive leaves. It’s for busy people who need and deserve good health to meet every day’s demands.

I love this brand and it comes in peppermint flavour. Although I prefer the natural flavour.

Join the 10 week Mind and Body Transformation today.

For daily inspiration to keep you on track, healthy and educated with nutrition and mindset.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Weight loss and happiness Tips

Weight loss and happiness Tips 

Are you tired of being tired and sick of being sick?

‘Take the first step toward vibrant living’

Your Kick-start program to Weight loss, Energy and vitality.

‘Life comes from Life’

Forces of Nature

Life comes from life. To feel alive, energetic and preserve our body best way
possible is to eat LIVE RAW food. Over the years we have become habitual
human beings, programmed to eat what we can grab on the run, and overtime
lose awareness of what we are doing or consuming.
From my years of experience and study on health and fitness I am excited to
share with you what works and how to get results. The results most people are
after are similar. Increase energy, vitality, fitness and WEIGHT LOSS. You can
exercise all you like but if your nutrition is not clean then you will always
struggle to make changes. I have watched members in the gym for over 20yrs
train and never change their body. If you workout just to feel great and maintain
then you are achieving your goal. However if you are sick of 'yo yo' dieting and
never getting results then listen up!

Our health is a reflection of the way you live your life. The sad thing is most
people in today’s world are literally sick and tired from living fast and eating fast
foods. Happiness is depleted from tired bodies and lack of joy and energy.

Learning how the body works and how it was originally designed, helps you
understand why our bodies just don't function the best on processed foods,
gluten and white flour, artificial sweetener's etc.

In a nutshell: our bodies were never designed to break down these food types.

When you add water to flour, what does it do? It acts like glue, and is very hard
to even rinse off the bowl... this helps us understand how it works inside our
body. It takes your digestive system a huge amount of energy to break down
white bread, flour or any heavy foods that are processed. This is why you can
feel tired after eating such foods. Getting your digestive system working to
optimal condition plays a vital role in weight loss, energy and internal health.
Let me coach you on how to live a healthy and vibrant life.

The 10 week Mind and body Transformation Program is;
100% Natural
 Whole Body and Mind Cleanse
 Weight loss
 Glowing skin
 Kick Start to improved lifestyle
Inner peace and happiness
 Boost energy and vitality
 Stronger will power and determination
 Adapt healthier eating patterns
Yoga and meditation skills

You will gain control and healthy alignment in to your life;

Decease stress levels
Assist in healthy cardio vascular system
Reduces fat stores
Increase mental performance, focus, and
Support healthy blood vessels
Concentration and alertness.
Cleanse the body from toxins
Gain a more positive outlook on life

Our health is a reflection of the way you live your life. The sad thing is most
people in today’s world are literally sick and tired from living fast and eating fast
foods. Happiness is depleted from tired bodies and lack of joy and energy.

Learning how the body works and how it was originally designed, helps you
understand why our bodies just don't function the best on processed foods,
gluten and white flour, artificial sweetener's etc.

In a nutshell: our bodies were never designed to break down these food types.

When you add water to flour, what does it do? It acts like glue, and is very hard
to even rinse off the bowl... this helps us understand how it works inside our
body. It takes your digestive system a huge amount of energy to break down
white bread, flour or any heavy foods that are processed. This is why you can
feel tired after eating such foods. Getting your digestive system working to
optimal condition plays a vital role in weight loss, energy and internal health.
Let me coach you on how to live a healthy and vibrant life.

"Let Food be Thy Medicine and Medicine be Thy Food" 

Our bodies were designed generations ago to eat LIVE GROWN foods, years
ago they lived off green leaves from plants.
The 10 week Mind and Body Transformation  is not a diet. When you diet you deprive your body from nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
Most people can not sustain a diet because your body will crave  sugar. After 
dieting and returning to your normal eating people put the weight straight back on.
On the 10 week mind and body program you will start with a de tox  helping you  kick start your journey to live natural and put an end to tiredness, dieting  fatigue and yo yo dieting. This way of eating and living will eliminate any sugar cravings
and help you have sustained energy and lose any extra kilos you may be carrying through bad eating habits or living.

Taking care of yourself is the best insurance you will have for a vibrant life full
of joy and happiness.

please be advised the information in this program is not necessary representative of
health professionals and physicians. Please consult your doctor or health care
professional before starting any new regime. If you are pregnant, we advise you seek
professional advice before making any dietary changes. Neither the author nor
publisher can accept legal responsibility for any problem that may occur while on the
program trying tips ideas and recommendations in this booklet.

15 weeks until Christmas. Don’t wait until Christmas Day and find yourself no further towards your goals or lifestyle change this year. Take up the challenge, step up to what life has to offer you and Live life with passion by choosing LIVE RAW foods.

Join a friend Promotion this month.  2 for 1. Sign up today and email me your friends details to get started.
I promise you if followed step by step you will get the results you are after.
email nicky@nickyarthur

The New DVD is here. Order your copy today

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Me Time is vital for your wellbeing... Are you getting it?

'Me Time' is becoming more vital in today’s world than ever before. You only need to reflect back ten – twenty or more years ago and see how different the world has become. Time is chewed up so easily with technology... even if you are loving what you do.

Living in today’s world is exciting, and one of the best times for us to be living. We have so much access to anything we like anytime.
This weekend I saw a video clip my lovely Lucia was  watching. The music awakened my soul, ignited my happiness and the lyrics spoke to me. All I had to do within seconds was log in to iTunes from the iphone, search the name; I was guessing it was called. It came up right away, I clicked on it, downloaded the song and YIPEE it was on my iphone before I knew it and I have been listening to it all weekend, and the video clip was on You Tube… so even better free to air. My point is there is so much available to us to source, whether it's a song, book, or course. We live in a very blessed world to have the knowledge and resources our parents just did not have access to. 

Today’s world needn’t be all focused on the things many people tend to dwell on such as lack of time, money, love, happiness, fun, peace and the list goes on.
I am here to tell you all of these things are available to us today… and the beauty is most these techniques don’t cost you a cent. I have been passionate about looking after my body, my mind my health for many years now, and I am grateful this is now my job… this is my chosen career. Writing, creating, teaching, facilitating workshops, motivational talks and it feels like  the best job in the world because I am giving, sharing and helping others.

So lets talk about ‘ME TIME’ 

Your mind already might be saying things such as ‘But I just don’t have enough time, to go to the gym, take a yoga class, read a book, go for a nature walk, sit in meditation, cook, bake, paint, sing, dance’ or ‘Work is too busy and I am under the pump’ or maybe ‘My children consume my time, and I have to clean and tidy up’ We call this Toxic Mind virus.
What ever it may be this is what I want you to sit up and take note… THERE is always going to be SOMETHING to do!

Or maybe you are lacking motivation and spending time consumed doing things that don’t really serve your soul, you mind, and body or help you live a productive life.

Where do you spend most of your time?

If you look that wheel of life , most of us all have to try and fit in similar facets to our life somehow. 
  • Family & friends
  • Relationships
  • Romance
  • Career
  • Health and fitness 
  • Personal growth
  • Spiritual
  • Personal finance

However, where do you spend the  ‘ME TIME’ and how often do you spend incorporating it into your daily life? It is vital in today’s world to schedule it in daily, not weekly nor monthly, but daily. Because your life is flashing by and everyday your body is taking on amounts of pressure or stress if you are not stopping and spending some time to  restore and renew the blood cells for LONGEVITY.

  • We all get the same amount of hours in one day… twenty-four hours; the question is how do you spend it?

How about depositing some time back to your physical body and soul this week and start scheduling in ‘ME TIME’

Here are some Tips that one cost you a cent. I like to call my ‘ME TIME’ my hour of POWER. Because taking time out reignites your soul, you gain control back of your day, your energy your mindset, in return making you live a very happy and productive life.
  • Nature walk
  •  Reading books to help you learn and grow into the best you can be
  • Your chosen sport, training, yoga class, gym session, be sure to add on stretching, to lengthen your muscles, align your posture, strengthen your core, and calm your mind.
  •  Writing affirmations, goals, action plan with a meditation and visualisation
  •  Relaxation around nature, you might stop in a quiet park and meditate around nature
  • Pamper session, if your body is tired and sore take a soak in a hot bath with Epsom salts and a drop of lavender to calm and relax your mind and body… this one is my favorite. Make a pot of loose tea; try T2 chamomile or Lemon and ginger.
  •   Anything that takes you away from technology is the KEY. Getting back to basics and creating some time without noise to give you the best quality time out for yourself.

The idea is to restore, relax, rejuvenate your mind body and soul and it doesn’t necessarily mean going like a mad thing exercising everyday. Although exercise and raising the heart rate is vital to our body, try aim for some balance and restorative ‘Me Time’ otherwise you may find yourself fully depleted and low energy of patience for anything else in your life.

Personally my Yoga practice has become my daily ritual so I like to add some me time on to that in my day somewhere, even if it is 10 mins of meditation around nature, and then I like to call these Mini breaks along with my Hour of Power. To keep  your creativity flowing and your soul nourished its important to deposit time back, if you are continuing to give all day everyday.

Aim for giving and receiving and enjoying the abundance of beauty that surrounds us.

When we are one way of the other, giving too much, of just receiving and not contributing we can feel out of balance. You know that feeling in your body and mind. This week take control back of your life, body and mind and practice some ‘ME TIME’

Please email or facebook me your end of week ‘Me Time’ I would love to hear your results and feedback.

Live with passion, power and energy

If you are looking for some 'Me Time' and want to learn how to cultivate work life balance or Find Your true North, check out my up and coming events.