Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Healthy Banofee Pie

School holiday treat time...But with live super foods. My favourite super food...
                                            RAW VEGAN CACAO POWDER

I love making my girls yummy healthy raw vegan desserts and treats. It satisfies my heart and soul knowing I can give them something yummy special but also healthy that gives their body nutrients and energy rather than robbing it.
Not only will your kids love this the whole family can enjoy a dessert together.

In my new revamped Raw Banofee Pie I use the super food Cacao Power.. notice CACAO not cocoa powder. There is a big difference. CACAO is a super food and has more antioxidants flavonoids than blueberries, red wine, green tea
  • Promote cardiovascular health - Help dilate bloods vessels, reduce blood clotting, improve circulation, help regulate heartbeat and blood pressure, lower LDL cholesterol, and reduce the risk of stroke and heart attacks.
  • Protect from environmental and metabolic toxins - Help repair and resist damage caused by free radicals, and may reduce risk of certain cancers.
There are many more benefits of Cacao powder. Instead of using the traditional processed caramel in this recipe I have used my favourite chocolate recipe instead. 

Banofee Pie

Step 1
1cup almonds
3 fresh dates ( you can use pitted dates soaked if you haven't got fresh, add 1/2 cup
water plus the 3 dates)
1 tablespoon agave (or honey)
blend all ingredients in a food processor until forms together.

Press out into a flan dish, press up the sides
place in the freezer

Step 2
3 Tbspn Cacoa
2 Tablespoon coconut oil
2 Tablespoon agave
Pinch of sea salt
Melt coconut oil, in a bowl  add cocao powder, agave, stir well.

Step 3
Take base out of freezer and pour chocolate ontop, put it back in the freezer until sets 

Step 4
Slice and cover fresh bananas ontop. Sprinkle with chia seeds or if you want to be naughty follow the next step. 

Step 5 - For the Kids... 
Beat fresh cream and cover the top of the pie 
Ready to serve on its own or with fresh strawberries. 

To read more on CACAO powder

New Yoga Bali DVD has 3 Raw Vegan Master Classes included. Get your copy today.

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