Sunday, September 8, 2013

Are you a Busy Mum?

Becoming a mum comes with many rewards. It literally transforms your life. The joy you receive from feeling the  unconditional love for your child is something you feel and can not even begin to describe. Being a Mum makes you feel blessed and complete. 
 Your life is never the same again. You life changes.  Like  everything in life, things change, nothing stays the same. Yet change of lifestyle can be challenging for some and if you are not equipped with holistic tools and techniques,  as a busy Mum you can often find yourself out of balance. 

It starts of blissful and happy. The early stages of motherhood may feel busy but it is nothing, compared to when your children grow up and become busy with their scheduled lives. 
Add a working mum to the equation and boom, before you know it, your life can feel like a clutter, or on treadmill you just can't seem to get off. Always something to do, a to do list to tick off, a mouth to feed, washing to be done, bills to be paid, accounts filed, the lists goes on.

Most mum's in today's world feel tired, depleted, unworthy to put themselves first, overweight and stressed. Not all mum's feel this way and there is a common thread to the ones that feel calm, relaxed, fit, healthy, vibrant, beautiful, and energised and even a  high libido. 

 Becoming  out of balance through mind body and spirit can cause all sorts of symptoms such as mood swings and erratic emotions, make dis-empowering decisions, negative beliefs and self-talk that  can holds you  back. You may not even realise you are out of balance until you read something that resonates with you, then you are able to relate to those feelings and begin to become aware of where you are at with your well being and how you are living your life.
    Would you like to improve the way you feel, one and for all any of the following things?
  • Totally confident and Love yourself unconditionally
  • Energised and radiant
  • Calm and relaxed 
  • Increased libido
  • Slimmer and fitter
  • Evaluate consequences upfront, make wise decisions
  • Have the inner strength and power to make the right decisions that are in alignment to your true authentic self and stop trying to please everyone else and their  needs.
  • Have a clear vision for your future ad achieve your  goals?
  • Be a strong leader with excellent communication skills
  • Be completely in control of your emotions?
  • Have a positive supportive network of friends who accept you, support you, lift you to a higher standard and celebrate her achievements.
  • Live life to your full potential and learn how to make healthier choices 
On my 10 week Mind and Body Transformation online program you learn all of the above. It is a holistic approach to a new you, not a quick fix diet or program you join and then go back to old habits. This way of life is the how I live and love my life and it is my passion to inspire you to take action today to live a more holistic lifestyle and one that will not cost you any extra money. 

Can you relate to the feeling of 'juggling all the balls in the air' 'pleasing everyone else's needs, except your own'  'being the harmoniser in the family' 'organising everyone's schedules but your own' or  maybe running from A to B with out stopping or even eating? Have you ever felt like to the hell with it all and want to run away to a retreat and not come back. 

Giving up is not an option when it comes to motherhood and for most it is only a thought that might enter the mind. However in today's fast paced and demanding world, it is time to STOP. Get off the treadmill and take some well deserved time out. You are a beautiful woman and you are worthy to do the things you really love to do. It's your turn to replenish your energy and enlighten your soul, become radiant, slimmer, healthier and live the life you desire once and for all. After all you only get one shot at living in this physical body, no second chances. Don't wait for illness, disease or old age before you can stop reflect and rest, or re- valuate your goals and direction. Do it today.

My tips you can do in a flash today to help you get off the fast pace life and start living the life you truly dream
 Nicky's 6 best Tips to your first step to gaining back your time. 
1. Get out your diary and schedule in 'ME TIME' 
2. Make sure your 'Me Time' is holistic, so no shopping or going out drinking alcohol, I want you to feel energised not, guilty or tired the next day. Try make 20 mins in a park, and sit around nature practising relaxation or stretching. 
3. Cut out sugar this week and feel the difference. 
4. Increase live grown foods such as Fruit, veges, nuts and seeds
5. Increase your water intake at least 2 litres a day. 
6. Set a new goal. Take the first step to joining something for you, a health program, new class, hobby. 

If you are wanting to connect with other like minded Mum's and want to connect with me on a weekly basis to help you gain energy and get back on track of your health and well being goals join the 10 week online program today.

Come and Breathe deeply with me and re-invent yourself.

It is your time to shine. Stop reflect today and re evaluate your goals, well being, energy, moods, habits and then find the holistic approach to align your mind and body, because the holistic and natural way is what lasts and is a lifestyle change that you will sooner or later want to incorporate into your life.  

Be healthy, get happy,  you are beautiful and you deserve the best in life. 

Nicky xx

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