Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How to gain balance amongst the Festive Season

WOW! December is here and the festive season has kicked in. With the Christmas wish list growing, and no time to spare!
How do you gain balance amongst the busiest time of the year.

Mum's  are not only juggling their own family list, work responsibilities,  children's end of year activities, concerts, teacher and coaches presents, cards and trying to keep the house in order.  The Dad's often  have the added financial pressure pouring on and stress at work can often be bought  home all while the house wife  and partner is  trying to juggle it all and keep the calm. 
Many Single Mum's are doing it all on their own and trying to make it the best for their children with   what they have. 
But this time of the year touches my heart to those who are seriously fighting illness, cancer and some facing death.
Many families are forced to put Christmas aside this year and just focus on day by day and practicing gratitude for each day.
Emotion can be high for many missing their family and loved ones who have sadly passed.
Gratitude at this time of the year can help increase your sense of happiness and gain balance. 

But how do you gain real balance and keep your health and vitality in check over the next month so you do not fall in a heap at Christmas or be prone to getting sick.

Taking time out to look after yourself has to be at the top of the list for December. Don’t find yourself on Christmas Day, worn out exhausted, overweight sluggish with no zest for life or energy to give.

The days I spent in my 20’s and 30’s running busy hair salons, I lived on adrenalin, and by the time Christmas Day came around, I remember waking up sick, tired and exhausted. My body would live on the high of busyness and giving to everyone else but myself,  when I stopped my body would tell me I was a  toxic city. 

These days are different for me and  gaining a true balanced life and knowing the skills, mindset and techniques to maintain the balance is what I love to share with you as my followers and fans.

Gaining balance in December can be done all it takes is focus and  a few small changes step by step that are  easy for you to follow.

But often amongst the busy life you lead, having a private health and vitality coach can help you get there quicker.

This is one of my services over Decemeber and January this can be the perfect time to work on YOU! 

Follow these tips to help you gain balance today.

7 Step tips to gain balance
1.   Create You time
2.   Relax
3.   Practice Yoga 1-3 pr week
4.   Eliminate sugar from your diet
5.   Practice positive mindest
6.   Write out your to do list daily
7.   Get a head start on Christmas cards and schedule in the time to do it.


   Do you need a hand to get to your goals?
   Do you need someone to tell you what to do?
   Do you want  something to follow step by step to take all the thinking out of it?
   Email me today  and I can call you to discuss the one on one coaching program for Dec/Jan limited spaces available. 

   Check out my new book 'Cooking with Chia' By Nicky Arthur a great gift for your Friend who loves to be healthy and gluten free. 

    Here are a heap of reasons to eat chia:
1. Chia is gluten free
2. It is super high in dietary fibre, making it great for digestion and healing digestion issues.
3. It contains 20% Omega 3 ALA, making it a super food for the brain and heart. Chia has eight times more Omega 3 than salmon!
4. It boasts 20% protein
5. The protein is a complete protein with all 8 essential amino acids
6. It is high in antioxidants (It has a four times higher ORAC value than blueberries)
7. Chia contains five times more calcium than milk
8. Chia contains seven times more vitamin C than oranges
9. It contains three times more iron than spinach
1. It contains twice the potassium content of banana
1. It is food for healthy skin, hair and nails
1. It has a positive impact balancing blood glucose levels (making it awesome for diabetics) 

 Check out this Yummy Raw Food Desert Chocolate Chia Tart,  'Cooking with Chia'

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