Toni's Inspirational Story
A joyful story to read from one of my special VIP members who I have had the great pleasure of working with, coaching her through the 10 Week Mind Body Transformation Program. I first met Toni over two years ago in WA at my Find Your True North Workshop. Toni, could not look at herself in the mirror, in fact the pain was so high and painful for her tears would come and self hate was evident. It was such a high vibration that I was feeling her pain also. I wanted to help her more than anything.
So from a compassionate and safe place that very day in that Bikram Hot Yoga room, we began and amazing journey together.
Read on for Tony's story she has bravely shared with us... To help others know you are not alone and it is possible to transform in happiness and radiant loving energy.
Tony starts with her Poem.
So another 10 weeks
has just passed
This second time of
MBT for me has gone so fast
Was it the same as
the last time round?
No it wasn’t, it was
even better I found.
My inspiration and
motivation changed from the first time
Something I hope to
explain in this little rhyme
So 20 years ago ED
entered my life
Eating order it
stands for and was nothing but strife
Years of confusing
my body no wonder I got sick
I had to do
something because I was sinking like a brick
So a friend
suggested I do a course called Find Your
Truth North
Outside my comfort
zone I never knew what was coming forth
However that very
workshop many changes were made
My thoughts were
challenged and foundations laid
Being someone who
plans and aims to prepare
I’d written down
some reasons for why I was there
I need to state
here that talking about myself is rare
And looking within is
definitely hard to share
Self-acceptance was
at the top of my list
Acceptance of my
body and journey to give you the gist
I wanted mental
wellness with physical improvements too
Reducing injury in
sport, increasing flexibility and mental strength that’s new
I needed to let ED
go, find my authentic self and be me,
And that’s where it
all started along my discovery.
I remember trying
to look in the mirror in the yoga room
And the tears
falling down my cheeks they lasted until noon
As hard as I tried
to stop crying and my emotions I fought
It was such a
defining moment and a glimpse I had caught
Of my authentic
self, peeking from behind the tears
It was the scariest
thing because I hadn’t seen her in years.
The workshop
finished and I decided to keep the vibe
So I took a leap of
faith and to MBT I did subscribe
I wasn’t looking to
lose weight, ED had convinced me of this fact
I was looking to
get well and fix all the things I thought I lacked.
I survived the
first 10 weeks, with bumps along the way
I set goals and
achieved and at times did shout hooray!!
Sometimes things
didn’t quite go as well as planned
Infact there were
days where I really couldn’t give a damn
But you know there
was always an email, in the next day or three
A motivation or
mindset, affirmation and recipe
So after the first
10 weeks and some goals that were a success
I contacted Nicky
again for I had to confess,
Not everything had
gone to plan for the changes that I’d made
Had slipped from
sight and were now beginning to fade.
She reminded me of
that day I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror
It was time again
to revisit my life and to tackle all my fear
I’ve just only
finished the second 10 week MBT
I have again
accomplished and made changes I can see
First of all ED is
gone, and his voice in my head
I feel the freedom
in food and no longer eating do I dread
I have mindfulness
in my food, I pause and I reflect
There are so many
changes that I didn’t expect.
The affirmations I
scoffed and laughed at first time round
How can stating
things outloud to yourself be a process that’s sound?
I took on the
challenge to use them this time
There are two in
particular that I use within my mind
The first – It’s not easy, but it is worth it
Continues to be
relevant and reminds me not to forfeit
The second – all I need, is within me now
Is my biggest
revelation and has told me about the how
How to overcome my
negative thinking and to think positively
How to look within
myself and search for authentic me
How to make food
that fuels my body and heals my soul
How to use
affirmations to make my journey whole
How to be a better
mum, a wife and good friend too
How to tackle
anxiety when taking on things that are new
How to conserve my
energy and rest and recuperate
How to live more in
the moment and relax about my fate
How to continue my
journey wherever the destination may be
How to nurture and
love myself, and look in the mirror to see
My authentic self
is no longer peeking, she’s looking back with a smile
This tells me that
the MBT is a course that is worthwhile.
To read more of Toni's Inspirational story and what motivated her to change go to my website TESTIMONIALS