Monday, July 21, 2014

Healing Teas for your TUMMY

Healing Teas for your TUMMY.

Winter is here! Are you fighting a cold, or starting to feel like you are never going to thaw out? Finding it a hard to get moving, or maybe eating stodgy foods and experiencing a bloated stomach?

I have the answer to warm your tummy and ignite your energy! GINGER TEA. I am not talking about a tea bag. Following my Power of Living Raw will change your body and ignite your soul.
It's simple, 100% natural and healing. 

I love drinking my very own healing teas and can't wait to see them published in my new up and coming book soon.

We all know how great ginger is. But have you tried Raw Ginger as a tea. This is my favourite winter tea. It is so simple to make. All you need is a blender and a strainer, or nut bag.

Ginger Tea healing for your tummy and boost immune 

600mls filtered water
2 inches of Raw Ginger
1 Lemon - SKIN OFF
Blend all ingredients in the vitamix , thermo mix or high speed blender. Strain through a mesh cloth, nut bag or strainer into a glass jug, and drink as a concentrate or tea with added honey optional.
Makes enough for 2-3 days

This healing tea is gold for a cold coming on or low immunity, The more ginger the better, and you can drink it  as a concentrate for the bold,or just top up with boiling water as a tea. Tip the warmer the better on your  digestive system.

Health benefits of Ginger Root

1. Ginger root is pungent, adding intense flavour to foods. It has healing qualities too. Add to meals or drink as an infusion. 

2. Nip the flu, cold, nose runs in the bud with raw ginger

3. Add raw ginger to your bath for aches and pains 

4. Feeling the blues... add some ginger to your soup.

5. Sick or nauseous- sip on ginger tea 

6. Ginger clears the sinus- no need for drugs, food is your medicine. 

7. Ginger fires up the digestive system, warming your tummy and healing

8. Ginger can act as a detoxify and gentle cleanse for your internal body

9. Ginger improves the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in your body.   



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