SO DID YOU SET A NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION FOR 2014? How are you going? Can you believe the year is nearly over?
Have you ACHIEVED your Goals this year? Well It's NEVER too late? Be inspired today to ignite your goal.
1. Ask yourself:
What worked well for me this year?
2. Next, ask yourself:
What would you like to improve in 2014? You only have 11 weeks. So get really clear and make it achievable and a realistic goal for this time frame.
3. Then, ask yourself:
What is the one thing I would like to master in 2014?
4. DECIDE what you're committed to achieving- here are a few areas you may want to look at to work out what one goal you can work with between now and Christmas.
What do you want in these 9 areas of your life?
1. Happiness / Well being
2. Freedom (including holidays, breaks,retreats,travel etc)
3. Spiritual/Mental
4. Education/Development
5. Relationships (self and others)
6. Health and Fitness
7. Career
8. Finance
9. Family
5. Write your goals down - on just ONE PAGE
Then once this has been done spend a moment expanding your thinking
by stretching your imagination out to the end of 2014
to see which achievements are going to make you feel most fulfilled.
Look at your goal everyday. Write it in your journal, mirror, and use visualisation daily. You have to believe in yourself you can achieve this goal to make it a reality.
You may have seen my daughters in Yoga
postures this week! They have been practicing yoga on and off, taken to classes and surrounded by yoga since they were in my tummy, Lucia use
to come to Sunday Yoga at St Lenard's Fitness First with my every weekend when she was only 5. Sydney Yoga lovers may have seen both of them in Brookvale Bikram, Neutral Bay Power Living and over the years around Fitness First. What is inspiring and a joy to see is her postures these days looking natural to her body, their stillness in their mind and practising the yoga without me asking them or assisting them.
Lucia 5 years
Lucia 11 yrs
The moral of this story is everything in life takes practice and repetition, and whether you may find it hard at the beginning starting something new, it becomes a healthy habit when you preserver and persist without judgement and attachment. My girls often don't want to do their Yoga, but they always thank me after and I know in my heart they will use this practice in their adult life when they need it. We can not escape problems, challenges and obstacles in life, but we can change how we react to them, respond and take action. Step up to your life, your goals and if you really have a burning desire in your heart to achieve greatness or a goal that has been floating up around the clouds, bring it down and make it a reality by making one simple step towards it today.
Millijana a natural 8yrs
Millijana a natural 8yrs
Goal setting is a big part of my programs, workshops, coaching and retreats. It is a process and it does require like anything, some hard work, discipline, focus and commitment.
If I want a six pack, I can make it happen, but I do know I will have to change some habits, step up to extra training, commit, believe and visualise. So what is your goal? Let me know by following my Facebook and staying connected. I want kill myself in doing it but I will commit, believe and maintain balance and health in amongst any goal.
Nicky xx
Nicky xx
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