Thursday, February 19, 2015

Y O G A maintains YOUTH...

Y O G A 

I was teaching yesterday in my studio and was being assessed by our General Fitness Manager, who admitted to me he  knows nothing about YOGA!

The whole experience of being assessed has always scared me, and over the years, tests my FEAR friend and ability to stay in true alignment without feeling like I am performing.  The whole experience made me have an AHA moment.

Back in the early days of teaching I would have been really nervous, scared and tried too hard to please. After teaching now for 6 years and having my own committed Yoga Practice for 16 years I was able to stay in true alignment of who I am as a teacher and what I stand for.

I was able to put my friend 'FEAR' aside and tell 'FEAR' to quietly sit with the manager while I got on with what I need to do, and that was teach, focus and concentrate on my members. What I expect of my members is FOCUS CONCENTRATION AND MEDITATION while we have 2 main things we fully focus on one being BREATH and two being BODY ALIGNMENT. So why would I be tempted to be distracted, anxious and nervous when I expect everyone else to let go of exactly that.

This was not a time to bring out anything new, or try to impress or over deliver, that would have been setting myself up for disaster and not being authentic. So I decided to pretend he was not in the roo, set FEAR aside and fully engage in what was important, and that was YOU, my members and what they were doing.

The class was on the day of my daughters 12th birthday 18th February a lunchtime class and one I will always remember for its unique and special energy we created as a team.

If you were in the room you know what I am referring to.

YOGA did transform my life, my body and my mind. It did create some upheaval at times, because for the very first time since I was a child I felt present, fully relaxed, joyful and content. It showed me some things in my life that were not in true alignment with me and who i fully stood for as a person.
For example being caught up in body image gym junkie habits, pushing and depleting my physical body, drinking alcohol not having regular sleep patterns, people surrounding me who weren't in full alignment from a holistic and compassionate level.

My life completely transformed through the practice of YOGA. I was able to have beautiful healthy energised pregnancies, give birth in a relaxed manner, breast feed calmly, nurture my babies and feel so in touch with Motherhood and juggling it all.

Becoming a YOGA teacher meant creating my own daily Yoga Practice and this is something I still have today, in a class, on the beach, in the park or even in the air conditioning busy gym at Mosman FF. Standing in front of a mirror without any judgement is the real key to YOGA. No thought process, becoming a complete EMPTY vessel is what I have worked very hard on doing over the years in my Practice.

Many of you know I went to BIKRAM YOGA teacher training, and loved every minute of this boot camp style training. It helped me become a rock solid teacher, but the heat over time showed not to be fully beneficial for my physical body or spiritual. BIKRAM Yoga never came across spiritual enough to me, I remember being SHUT out of a class once at at studio in Sydney, I was 2 minutes late on arrival, and while going through one of the toughest times of my life, I was told, sorry too late! It was a day i really needed to breathe and be in the room, I had drove 45mins to get there, with no parking I was told NO. I still went on and did the training, but over time I have realised how powerful breathing in a hot room or NOT is the key to all YOGA and Meditation. The problem for me and the heat was my kidney's didn't cope with the overload drinking too much water and losing fluid. I use to often wonder why many BIKRAM (not all) still carry fluid and weight gain. Many do lose kilos at the beginning because of the lose of fluids, but it wasn't until I stopped practicing in the heat and continued my own Yoga sequenced daily and adding my hand stands, splits and advanced postures i was able to fully heal and align my entire body mind and LIFE.

Today I can feel the difference and can't wait one day to open my own amazing YOGA STUDIO the plan is in place and the right time will come one day soon and create a space for people to come and HEAL, never turn people away and practice with compassionate and open arms at a time of need.

I love teaching YOGA and helping others find breathe and let go of stress is the most rewarding job for me in the world. Today I can see and feel what is going on with your body at a deeper level I didn't even realise I would feel.

Nutrition comes hand in hand with practising a real YOGI lifestyle  and is a big part of my work. My new book THE POWER OF LIVING RAW is a perfect tool to go hand in hand with the YOGA COACHING services and retreats  I offer.

What excites me about YOGA is not the physical buffed flexible body but the internal healing and mindset that is created in mind body and soul in which I believe will give you your life back, add etra years to your life, increase health and vitality, and help cleanse and detox toxins from within. YOGA helps you maintain your youth. From my open personal experience I am 43 and have never felt so fit healthy balanced and content in my life to date... (ohhh except the time of becoming a Mum,  nearly ticks all boxes except my nutrition wasn't quite like it is today, in fact I was deficient in nutrients and minerals)
 Do you want the YOGA GLOW? I can help you!

Thank you to all my fans, followers, yoga clients, members it truly is a wonderful blessed life to lead you all to a healthier and more aligned lifestyle.

Stay tuned... I LOVE YOU!

Blessings Love and Light


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