Today I am so excited to teach you all about 'Gundusha'
You know YOGA is my way of life and a big part of it is the NUTRITION and LIFESTYLE. We studied Ayurvedic
in our Yoga Training and it has continued to fascinate me. Although we only touched on it at teacher training I love spending time getting to know and practice Ayurvedic healing why, because it also just like YOGA, been around for thousands of years that is. It is is holistic, drug free and works.
GUNDUSHA -is an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique
When it comes to holistic preventative health procedures I have always been willing to try anything and willing to give it a go, as long as it is in alignment with 100% whole foods and natural.
I recently came across ‘Oil Pulling’ and I was obviously going to try it out for myself.
Oil pulling, also known as "kavala" or "gundusha," is an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for around 20 minutes. This action supposedly draws out toxins in your body, primarily to improve oral health but also to improve your overall health. WOW! I just hit the jack pot to a healthier body again. Now I want to share this with YOU!
'I feel amazing, now it's YOUR turn'
Reported benefits include:
• Whiter teeth
• Cavity and gingivitis prevention
• Better breath (halitosis suffers also reported greatly improved morning breath)
• Stronger teeth & gums
• Less jaw pain (TMJ sufferers noted great improvement),
• sleep problems
• sinus issues
• Alleviation of headaches, hangovers
• Skin issues (reports have shown improvement in acne, psoriasis and eczema)
First, pick an oil. I use coconut oil as it also has strong antibacterial properties, but you can use any other vegetable-based oil. Then, take a tablespoon of oil and swish it around your mouth for 20 minutes.
(Note: Be gentle here and take your time, as you will be doing it for 20 minutes and don’t want to get a stiff jaw! I visualise at the same time it is drawing the toxins and pulling them from my body. nourishing my gums and body)
The oil will almost double in size as it draws in saliva as well as the toxins. Be sure not to swallow as you will be taking these toxins into your body; the complete opposite of what you are trying to do.)
Once the 20 minutes are up, spit the oil out into a takeaway cup and into the trash (not your sink, where the oil may solidify and block up the drain)
then swish your mouth with warm salt (Himalayan) water.
Finally, brush and floss as you normally would.
My experience
I recently had some gum trouble and pain, and had to go to my Dentist, It was so painful and looked like signs of Gum infection, my dentist prescribed me antibiotics, NOT HAPPY! AND planned out a very expensive laser treatment plan. I don't take drugs but I had to do be street smart ASSAP and find out what was going to be my holistic healing saviour.
I asked his thoughts on 'Coconut Pulling'
Given he has a very high reputation on his Dental Practice and is amazing at what he does, I was positive he would know what I am talking about. He looked at me like I was crazy, and had not heard about it and laughed at the idea.
I have been using 'Gundusha - coconut pulling since, and only after a few days could notice a difference, not only in my gum hygiene but also in my entire body. I am due to go back to my dentist, but have decided to give this some time to work and see if we can see a difference with my gum health.
I used tablespoon, it may seem like a lot and you can always start with a teaspoon and work your way up.
Once melted it will become easier to take, and start swishing.
I filled in time writing articles, emails and researching just try do things to keep your mind off the time. I visualised the toxins being pulled from my body and that were now currently in my mouth.
The good thing about coconut oil is that it doesn’t taste that bad. I'm not sure how I would like another type of oil, but 100% Organic cold presses Olive Oil could be good.
After reaching 15-20 minutes went by fast, Spit it out in a takeaway cup and then in the bin, not in your sink, and then just as you would at the dentist, rinse with warm salt water, and brushed and floss as normal, there should be no residue left.
Have Fun!
“Oil pulling, also known as “kavala” or “gundusha,” is an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for 20 minutes. This action supposedly draws out toxins in your body, primarily to improve oral health but also to improve your overall health.”
Potential benefits include:
- Whiter teeth
- Cavity and gingivitis prevention
- Better breath
- Stronger teeth and gums
- Less jaw pain, alleviation of TMJ
- Improved sleep
- Alleviation of headaches
- Alleviation of hangovers
- Alleviation of acne and skin issues like eczema
My only thing I ask myself is 'Why didn't we know all this while growing up!' My girls are making this part of their dental hygiene, GUNDUSHA
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