Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Are you ready to Kick Start your health and happiness. Your 7 DAY DETOX is here.

‘Take the first step toward a vibrant life’

 Your Kick- Start Program to Inner Health, Energy and Vitality

‘Raw Food Living, gives you a bounce back in your step and more'

7- Day De-tox Benefits

  •  100% Natural
  • Whole Body and Mind Cleanse
  •  Weight loss
  • Kick Start to improved lifestyle
  • Glowing skin
  • Inner peace and happiness
  •  Boost energy and vitality
  •  Stronger will power and determination
  •  Adapt healthier eating patterns
  •  Yoga and meditation

Wow! I feel great, now it’s your turn!

You will gain control and healthy alignment in to your life

  • Decrease stress levels
  •  Assist in healthy cardio vascular system
  •  Reduces fat stores
  •  Support healthy blood vessels
  •  Increase mental performance, focus, and concentration and alertness.
  • Cleanse the body from toxins
  •  Gain a more positive outlook on life

Forces of Nature

From my years of experience and study on health and fitness I am excited to share with you what works and how to get results. The results most people are after are similar. Increase energy, vitality, fitness and WEIGHT LOSS.  You can exercise all you like but if your nutrition is not clean then you will always struggle to make changes.  I have watched members in the gym for over 20yrs train and never change their body. If you workout just to feel great and maintain then you are achieving your goal. However if you are sick of 'yo yo' dieting and never getting results then listen up!

Learning how the body works and how it was originally designed, helps you understand why our bodies just don't function the best on processed foods, gluten and white flour, artificial sweetener's etc.

In a nutshell: our bodies were never designed to break down these food types

When you add water to flour, what does it do? It acts like glue, and is very hard to even rinse off the bowl. This helps us understand how our internal body works from the inside.  It takes your digestive system a huge amount of energy to break down white bread, flour, fried foods or any heavy foods that are processed and toxic to our bodies. It glues up your system and acts like a glue, referred to as 'Gluten'  This is why you can feel tired after eating such foods.
Getting your digestive system working to optimal condition plays a vital role in weight loss, energy and internal health.

Do you want to learn how to live a healthy and vibrant life, one that lasts, not a fad, or a diet?

'Let Food be Thy Medicine and Medicine be Thy Food'

Our bodies were designed generations ago to eat LIVE GROWN foods, years ago they lived off green leaves from plants.
This program is not a diet. When you diet you deprive your body from nutrients and often cannot sustain a diet because your body will crave often sugar. After dieting and return to a normal eating people put the weight back on. This 7- Day de tox is a kick start  your journey to live natural and the end to tiredness, fatigue and yo yo dieting. This way of eating will eliminate any sugar cravings and help you have sustained energy and lose any extra kilos you may be carrying through bad eating habits or living. 
Taking care of yourself is the best insurance you will have for a vibrant life full of joy and happiness.

Why De-tox?
The foods you eat everyday could be killing you! It’s a pretty bold statement! After many years of my own research and personal experience I have become passionate about sharing this knowledge with as many people as possible. Why because this way of life can save lives and add years to your own life. This is a healing way of life I call the healing journey. It will give you your life back, vitality and longevity. Many people are unaware of what they are eating, and what you could potentially be doing to your body one day at a time through bad nutrition and living a stressful life. Am ix of bad nutrition, and living with stress and unhappiness is a set up for a crisis to happen. Get aligned now and learn about Preventative health. 

On my 10-week mind program you learn what foods to incorporate and what foods to avoid. This 7 – Day program is an introduction to just that.

Why you need to detox is because many of the foods you have been consuming like sugar, sweeteners, meat, diary, and baked goods are all toxic foods that will keep you fat, lethargic and I believe unhappy as long as you keep consuming them. Processed foods are the worst offenders. My golden rule is anything that comes in a packet and can sit on a shelf for years should not be consumed; it is not a live food. It is what I call a dead food. When you eat diet that is predominantly packaged and fast foods you can throw your body out of balance, which upsets the PH known as the Alkalizing state. When you are out of balance you feel it, you know, hence why you have found this program. Over toxicity in the body will weaken your system, clogging the organs etc. This is why it is beneficial to incorporate the yoga workout, in which helps heal and detoxify the internal body at the same time as changing your diet. 


When the body is in an alkalizing state it is harder for you to get sick, illness or disease. Isn’t that enough to motivate you to turn your body into a powerhouse for longevity.
When your detoxification organs are clogged, acidity can build up within the body, changing the Alkalizing state.  Over a period of time your body reaches a toxic load. Most times these symptoms will not show, but what will happen is the acid will end up as Fat Cells. This is the body’s way of storing excess energy and toxicity. A diet high in sugar and high in stress mode is high in acid. The body will do all it takes to to pull the acid away from your vital organs and into your fat cells. This is what we call a ‘Defense Mechanism’ to protect your body by its organs and delicate tissues. But storing fat is not the only way the body deals with this excess acid. So if you are thin it doesn’t mean that you are healthy! Your body can be in a chronic state of ACIDOSIS, which means that your body could be destroyed from the inside out.
In a nutshell Acidosis and Toxicity are serious problems.

 Here are a few
  • Poor digestion, elimination and absorption
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Allergies and skin problems
  • Kidney problems, kidney stones, infections
  • Immunodeficiency
  • Free radical damage and cancer (research)
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Weak brittle bones
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Chronic yeast infections
How do I know because I personally have had 5 of the above and my vitality health and energy through following my programs and making these changes is life changing?

How the program works?

The first 3 Days are cleansing, and a process where you become aware of processed foods and natural foods. You will be introduced to cleaning up your nutrition. Think one ingredient foods, and simplicity. You will start to feel light as the cleansing process beings. You are giving your digestive system a break from processing heavy foods that often make you feel tired and sluggish. We often think we need to eat heavy food for energy, or to be full of satisfied but it is not necessarily so.
The next 3 days you will enjoy, it is the 3-Day Fruit cleanse. You will eat an unlimited supply of fruit, and notice all sugar carvings will disappear. You can be creative here and make up your own platter of fruits, keep in mind avocado and tomato is a fruit.
The last day is what I call the Balancing day. You will ease other healthy foods back into your nutrition, as the body has been a detox it is important not to go and gorge yourself, over eat, or go back to food that will not serve your body in terms of optimal health and energy.

FREE TRIAL Exercise – Click on the link http://vimeo.com/32613803 password 7day-detox

 To practice my invigorating Yoga based work out. Practice everyday for 7 days. Start with easy options in the workout and be very mindful of your own body. Listen to what feels right for you.

Janice took part in my programs and got instant results and you can too. 

Note: When cleansing and detoxifying your body it is important to align and yourself with peace happiness and fulfillment by learning you can cultivate these things into your life without using FOOD to satisfy. You don’t need the heavy foods for energy like you have been programmed to think so.

What are you waiting for? Lets get started.

To receive your 7-Day Detox click on the link below for only $1.99

Learning to love your body and restore it is the first step. 

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