DECODE your Brain.
Make The shift-
"You are the Author of your own Life."
Mindest Tool kit with Nicky Arthur
Introductory –
‘We are all on a Journey of unleashing our full potential. Are your ready to change, are you willing to
What Yoga has taught me on my journey is, how powerful the mind is I was aware of how powerful
positive thinking was years ago, and seemed to be born with that ‘I can do it attitude’ Maybe it is a
second child trait. Psychology studies show the second child often wants to keep up with the eldest,
and doesn’t seem to have as much fear as the eldest. I find this true when I look at my own
daughters, and after sharing many stories. It reminds me of a recent story of my two daughters when
they were asked to fly on a domestic flight to visit their Daddy, all on their own. My youngest
daughter, millijana jumped for Joy and couldn’t wait, she embraced this opportunity fearless and
excitement, yet my eldest beautiful centered daughter Lucia, felt anxious, fearful and not convinced
she wanted to do this. Over the years I have studied different communication styles, including my
own of course, and learnt her personality type quickly and easily. Some of these things were, not liking
to be forced to do something without much notice and details. It is interesting the reverse psychology when you back off,
and let go of force then the energy shifts, this is also part of the Yogic philosophy. Deepak Chopra
speaks of this one often, let go of force and attachment. In this scenario, I supported her emotional
needs by letting her know she did not have to make a decision right away and to have a think about. I
was able to let her know of the positives over time and she then came to a conclusion is would be a
great confidence builder for her. At the age of 9yrs I felt it was important she felt safe and secure with
out force or fear. Working through our different communication styles takes courage, time and an
open mind. One of the most rewarding breakthroughs I have had on my journey is to open my mind
to see another side to someone else’s views with compassion, and even though I thought I was not rigid or one way
thinking, it has helped me to learn how fixated the fragmented mind can be or become.
This book will take you on a wonderful journey in exploring yourself to another level and help
untangle the threads so you can feel free, live happy, healthy and most of all a real joyous life with
love, peace abundance and carry your home your peaceful place where ever you go in life.
My story.
I was in a story…
One day the old story had to end and it was time to start the NEW one, to recall upon the peace
happiness unlimited love abundance back into my life. I was always a big believer in ‘You are the
Author of your own life’ and I have been fortunate enough to live a most of it happy, achieving my
goals, and choosing to do what I love to do and spend a majority of my time doing it. That is special.
But somewhere along the line, toxic mind virus started to prop back in. Once I started to practice
meditation, and sitting in silence this allowed me to see, feel, and notice things were not going the
way I anticipated. There were some limitations I had stated to place in my life. It was time to get back
into the drivers seat and gain some real momentum again. One of the greatest things I started to
really learn was CORE VALUES. Something that had been missed early on in my life, something I was
not taught at school or valued enough to be aware of what was my core values, what was aligned to
my core or authentic self and what was my soul purpose. A question frequently asked my many.
If you are reading this book, or picked it up, I am thrilled and excited for you, because you are ready
to transform your life and just like I did get some clarity around these questions .Who am I? Why am I
here? What is my true passion in life and what is aligned authentic and true to my own core values and passions.
There comes a time in your life where you just have to look deep inside at the ‘Old Story’ you may
have been playing over and over again in your mind, and recreate yourself to a whole NEW STORY, a new chapter of your book, your life,
whole new life, making the SHIFT to an unlimited supply of love happiness joy success and
abundance, after all you are The Author of your Life. You get to write the scripts.
We are all made up of energy, and becoming caught up in old negative self-beliefs patterns can
hamper our happiness, success and even our health. This energy is so important to understand what
thoughts you are creating or playing in your mind over and over is what energy you get back in return.
You will explore how to turn your life around, find courage and conquer fear in this book.
We all know going through a challenging time of your life can weigh you down, tire you out causing
fatigue or even weight gain. Are you ready to make THE SHIFT and live life on your terms? Are you
ready to let go what does not serve you and create yourself to become your best.
Opening the door to explore the self takes courage, but the greatest hunger in life is not the
materialistic things, like money, food success, the deepest hunger is opening the door to explore the
self. It can be confronting to create change. By providing some practical easy to follow tools in this book, I know the journey for you will be
an enjoyable one because the number one benefit for starters is releasing anxiety, stress, boredom
and fatigue. Its time to get excited again about your life, and feel a real deep sense of gratitude
happiness and a self love that will keep you filled up.
Starting with yourself is the key and this story will help inspire you to make the shift in your life you
have been searching for. Each chapter has a story and at the end of each story gives you the tools
techniques and step by step a guide to help you re align your life.
Have you ever felt like life just isn’t going to plan, or you are living life on some on everyone else’s
terms but your own? Ever asked the big question ‘Am I truly happy fulfilled and living a productive
energizing life full of freedom and choices.
The choices we make everyday are shaping our lives our bodies our happiness. In this book you will
learn how to make better choices, but also reflect finally on why we muck up and how to learn from it
and change old belief systems, you may have been living with for along time and not even realize. You
will learn how to reprogram old beliefs that have been installed in your from a young age and re
create new beliefs to help align your life to your authentic self so you can enjoy, peace, happiness,
joy, abundance and unlimited supply of love, with yourself and others.
This empowering story of how I personally made ‘The Shift’ will inspire you to make some changes
today in your life helping you make the shift to increase happiness health abundance and freedom.
Life throws us challenges obstacles but it is how we respond to those challenges. We also make
choices and as a friend once told me ‘ Nic there comes consequences of every choice or action we
Problem is how many times to we act of reacting and not taking the time to sit, pause and respond to
the challenge.
Obstacles and challenges can also occur through old self-limiting beliefs, in the book, you will discover
a new way, techniques and exercises to help you BECOME THE BEST YOU AN and live your ideal life.
Remember knowledge is POWER. The more hungry you become to learn and become more
knowledgeable the better you become, the more powerful you become in gaining control over your
life. Silence is also POWER. Learning to quieter your mind and become silent and still on a daily basis will help you DECODE your fragmented mind and transform into light.
Here the story begins from one choice one day in my life that helped me MAKE THE SHIFT…now it's your turn.
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