Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Law of Dharma Your Purpose in Life

The Law of Dharma - Your Ultimate Purpose in Life

I have been on my own self discovery journey now for a very long time. Most you reading my blog already now my own life Transformation, career change, personal life change, I like to call it


Dharma simply means defining your own life purpose. I won't go to deep into how I found mine, however in the short detailed brief I became a full time mother 15 years ago, and whole I became a Mother, it bought me the most happiness in life I had ver experienced, I literally couldn'dnt believe this amazing feeling that flourished through my body the first day I set eye on m y baby girl lying so close to my chest, so innocent, beautiful and needy for my love and attention. I felt transformed by this love that had began to be embodied in my mind body and soul throughout my pregnancy. I was already so connected to her while carrying her in my womb. 

After giving birth  we moved to Australia and I began to embrace motherhood more and more. There was only one problem I still owned a business back in New Zealand, a Hair and Beauty Salon. For years prior I was heavily involved in the Fashion world, Competting with my team in Hair Competition all around New Zealand, judging and publishing photographic work in fashion magazines. I remember the Hair and Beauty Magazine writing and story on me when I had first competeed in my fitness competitions and opened up a new hair salon, and got married al lat the same time, it was a really crazy time of my life. Achieving goal after goal. But when I arrived in Australia and had some time to breath I realised I hadn't really found my Dharma, my soul purpose. I started asking the question How may I serve? How may I help? I always loved helping my hair clients feel better with not only their hair & beauty but offering them tips on inner beauty, health and fitness. 

After 14 months of flying back and fourth with my new baby girl, Lucia, to check up on he ruunning of the salon and then returning  back to Sydney to be a full time mum every four to six weeks was a fun lifestyle, but also stressful, I finally decided I had to sell the salon and let it go, move towards my true authentic self and path, find my Dharma. 

 It was a big step for me, while I was supporting my ex husbands Opera Career and being a full time mum I had some breathing space to really connect to my Yoga and Meditation. Sometimes my ex husband and I would meditate for up to an hour at a time, although I think looking back I was pleading Jim
To do it, and I think trying to pull someone on your path is probably not a good idea, especially if they are not ready or open to it, but hey when you experience this joy and peace within you just want to bring others on the journey with you. 

After a few years of embracing yoga and meditation and vegansim I could feel myself detoxing all the toxins and emotion crap that had been stored in my body. I had to learn to let go of attachments, and things I couldn't change, but only work on the things I could about  myself. Cleaning up my health was one of the first things I could change and asking the question hey “How may I serve? How may I Help?!”

As a child I have always connected to God, my shiva my own Gaia, the mother of all life and mother earth godess. I also believe in life when you are ready, to change, to evolve the right people show up in your life to help lead you to the next thing, it becomes like a road map and puzzel, as you walk down your path with an open heart the next part of the puzzle show up, and if you are willing to discover your own Dharma, your soul life purpose you will be awake to connect to that next important step or phase. Divorce wasn't easy but it has been the best seven years of my life to grow and evolve it is when my Dharm fell in to place, it is when my should purpose became crystal clear and now I am flowing effortlessly without interference. 

So lets take a look at Dharma a little further, to help inspire you to find yours. I believe many people are living their life not on their own Dharma, they work in a job they hate, they feel the daily grind and a time poor, stressed, over eating to fill a need. 

Firstly the practice of Yoga provides a direct mechanism to release energy blockage in your body. When you remove the obstacles of your life that cause these blockages you become more capable of expressing yourself. 

There are three major components we learn through teacher training to your Dharma.

The first one is 
Your ultimate purpose - to discover your higher self, to unleash your inner god or goddess.

The second component of The Law of Dharma  is 

Acknowledge and express your unique talents

The third component of Dharma is 

Serving others and true dharmic actions naturally bring you benefit to both you and those affected by your actions. 

My inner dialogue on my should purpose is daily, How may I serve, how can I help today. 

I believe when you practice yoga it helps support the dharma ofd your body, your soul your temple, when life energy is flowing effortlessly, like you are dancing with life, through every cell, tissue and organ of your body, the dharma is each is being fulfilled. As result from what I have personally experienced in my body and life, is the flexibility, balance, and strength gained during my fitness and yoga, practice helps you effortlessly able to express your talents in the world as I am in my Law of Dharma.

By allowing through the daily disciplines and practice I allow the intelligence and vital energy of nature to flow through me, and everyday it reminds me of how may I serve, how may I help, serving the world and reminding me of my soul life purpose.

While on my 10 week mind body transformation program my members get to explore more about their body and soul purpose they get my guidance and footsteps to take towards exploring how to find their own Dharma. 

Are you are in NZ - well we have a very special opportunity for kiwi girls only. Check it out.

Get Liz’s inspiring story here and Deb below, her recent transformation she also has a great story of Dharma brewing. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Super Green Soup. You might need this recipe over winter.

Broccoli Soup 
πŸ™ŒπŸ˜€ Good evening!

Winter is here, and it is my favourite time of the year for SOUPS. I just whipped this 
spicy warming Green Soup up tonight and wanted to share it with you. It is quick and easy so if you come in late from work or Yoga this recipe is perfect for your digestive system at night. Wake up feeling alive and ready to begin your day with energy & 

Let me know what you think. 

Broccoli Soup - Green Super Soup 

2 cups Broccoli 
1 inch of onion
1 tbspn coconut oil
1 inch turmeric
pinch cayenne pepper 
pinch cumin powder 
pinch of garlic granules 
punch of pink salt
500 mls water 


Bring to the boil, and blend (be very careful when blending), you can blend first and then bring to boil and simmer off. 

The Me Project 

I also wanted to let you know my current team inside the secret group The Me Project is going really strong, they are in week 4 about to approach week 5, the half way markand most of them have achieved their goals already, Now its my job to keep them bingforward to tweak and fine tune to the tenth week. But it does not stop here we are slo excited to release the next round kicking off 4th August. I would love you to join us. 


Over twenty years ago I had a mentor challenge me…

“ To clean up my diet & lifestyle over a 10 week period, I couldn’t believe it 10 kg in 10 weeks!

Back then, I was toxic 😩 I was binge drinking, eating without a plan, starving my body, kcraving sugar every night, unhappy, tired and sore!

I had no idea about healthy & sustainable weight loss, protein and plant based foods but I knew if I had more energy it would really help me feel happier and vibrant, run my business, feel happier and and besides I loved setting goals and always had s burning desire and passion for health & fitness.

It's your turn now.


I’m going to work with a group of women starting 4th August 2018
 to help them boost energy, happiness & lose 5-10k over the 10 week Program. 
Note : some of you will convert fat to muscle gain and not go by the scales, depending on your body type & goals.

Are you interested in joining us?

Then shoot me a REPLY or message and I will be in touch with the next step to get you ready for kick off! or text me 0404755271
 tomorrow and I will be in touch. 

PS. We’ve had a bunch of other super women do well over a 10 kg weight loss in 10 weeks So can you. If the excess is there on my program with my coaching it will happen.

πŸ’•Join my tribe of like minded women.


PSS if you are having trouble relaxing your mind or sleeping, I am giving away just for you my mindfulness meditation 15 min quick fix to restore your body and mind. Just email me and I will will send you a reply with the password to access it.