Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Super Green Soup. You might need this recipe over winter.

Broccoli Soup 
🙌😀 Good evening!

Winter is here, and it is my favourite time of the year for SOUPS. I just whipped this 
spicy warming Green Soup up tonight and wanted to share it with you. It is quick and easy so if you come in late from work or Yoga this recipe is perfect for your digestive system at night. Wake up feeling alive and ready to begin your day with energy & 

Let me know what you think. 

Broccoli Soup - Green Super Soup 

2 cups Broccoli 
1 inch of onion
1 tbspn coconut oil
1 inch turmeric
pinch cayenne pepper 
pinch cumin powder 
pinch of garlic granules 
punch of pink salt
500 mls water 


Bring to the boil, and blend (be very careful when blending), you can blend first and then bring to boil and simmer off. 

The Me Project 

I also wanted to let you know my current team inside the secret group The Me Project is going really strong, they are in week 4 about to approach week 5, the half way markand most of them have achieved their goals already, Now its my job to keep them bingforward to tweak and fine tune to the tenth week. But it does not stop here we are slo excited to release the next round kicking off 4th August. I would love you to join us. 


Over twenty years ago I had a mentor challenge me…

“ To clean up my diet & lifestyle over a 10 week period, I couldn’t believe it 10 kg in 10 weeks!

Back then, I was toxic 😩 I was binge drinking, eating without a plan, starving my body, kcraving sugar every night, unhappy, tired and sore!

I had no idea about healthy & sustainable weight loss, protein and plant based foods but I knew if I had more energy it would really help me feel happier and vibrant, run my business, feel happier and and besides I loved setting goals and always had s burning desire and passion for health & fitness.

It's your turn now.


I’m going to work with a group of women starting 4th August 2018
 to help them boost energy, happiness & lose 5-10k over the 10 week Program. 
Note : some of you will convert fat to muscle gain and not go by the scales, depending on your body type & goals.

Are you interested in joining us?

Then shoot me a REPLY or message and I will be in touch with the next step to get you ready for kick off! or text me 0404755271
 tomorrow and I will be in touch. 

PS. We’ve had a bunch of other super women do well over a 10 kg weight loss in 10 weeks So can you. If the excess is there on my program with my coaching it will happen.

💕Join my tribe of like minded women.


PSS if you are having trouble relaxing your mind or sleeping, I am giving away just for you my mindfulness meditation 15 min quick fix to restore your body and mind. Just email me and I will will send you a reply with the password to access it. 

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