Monday, July 23, 2018

She wanted to be my pin up girl... before and after story.

I remember the first phone call with Leanne. She said to me with conviction, "I want to be that girl on your social media with a fabulous before and after story! Why can't I be that girl?!"

The moment she said that I knew she was ready... to do this project, that she honestly desperately needed to do and take time out for her to do it, even though there was chaos. 

10 Week Body Mind Trasnformation is it about a diet, or losing weight. No! It is about changing lives and often SAVING lives. 

Yesterday I caught up with my private coaching client Leanne, we have just finished the first 10 weeks together. While speaking with her she shared with me a few things that made me feel like OMG I literally just saved someone's life. 
I am not looking for recognition here as Leanne made this happen, I can not take all the credit, she was a dream to work with. Every week I set out the plan and she followed. Not once did she come up with one excuse not to do it, she just trusted me, and did what I set for her to do. I believe when the student is ready the right teacher, or mentor shows up in your life. 

I want to share her story with you that she has just emailed me last night. This has not been shared yet and I am sure you will resonate with some of the things she shares.

Is it really about weight loss? No but unfortunately with excess weight comes extra problems, extra burdens, and often depressed thoughts and actions... mainly becoming stagnant and hibernating away from the world.

I will let you read on and find her true authentic story. We have kicked off her week 1 of her next 10 weeks, yep another 10 weeks and we are among another 15 kg. This will be her 11th week and her next check in will be her 12th week.


Om Namah Shivaya -

Nicky xx

PS if you want to follow her updates and funny daily stories and blogs where Leanne says it how it is,  make sure you like her page so you can get her feeds and her blog.

The week of the 12th of May this year, I had had enough. Something needed to change. I was depressed, I was frustrated with what I had ultimately let myself become. I wasn’t being the best mum I could be, I wasn’t the best friend or wife I could be, I was embarrassed, ashamed and just lost. Really, really lost. I had trouble getting to sleep, I would go to bed tired and lie awake for hours while my husband and dog were snoring their heads off. I would get to sleep eventually and then after a few hours I would wake and the cycle would repeat. 
I was desperate.  I was after a quick fix, desperate to see the scales going down. Desperate for any change. I had tried everything I could think of. I had calorie counted, really restricting my calories and then I would end up binging as I would be starving or just have no energy at all. I had done weight watchers on and off for years. I would get so obsessed with counting points that it was taking over my life. All day every day I would think about food and points, it was like I couldn’t focus fully on everything else. I was thinking about my next meal, my next carb hit, my next step to declining health.

That week, I had seen a few posts from Nicky and I sent her a message. I remember it said “do you do nutrition plans and whats the costs involved?” or something similar to that. I was a bit dubious about sending that message as I thought, here goes another gimmick, this wont work either… all the silly reasons in my head why it wont work or why I shouldn’t have sent it. Nicky replied asking if I had time for a quick chat about her program, I said yes and my phone rang. I was extremely nervous. Afraid of the unknown, would it be too expensive, would it be too hard, could I do it? She asked me a few questions about what I wanted, what I had done before, what I was eating… the tears began to flow. I remember feeling extremely emotional on that phone call. There was a lot of pain in my words, my voice was trembling.  

Our phone call went on for longer than I expected. I couldn’t believe how lovely, approachable, and caring she was. Totally not what I expected at all. I got off the phone having committed to the program. I needed to do this. This could be the life line I needed. She had inspired me, she had given me hope of changing what I had allowed myself to become. Nicky knew I was at my rock bottom. I think before you are truly ready for a huge lifestyle change like I embarked on, you have to hit this place. That really bottom of bottoms. Anyone that has been there you know exactly what I am talking about. 

My first week I had a constant voice telling me you cant do this, its too hard, give up now, stop wasting everyones time, you always fail… basically every reason why I shouldn’t do it. My mantra became one day at a time, one meal at a time. I found by focusing on the next meal and making sure it was 100% on plan that it took the pressure off. I did my first weigh in and lost 3.9 kgs. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t have to count calories, or points. I just had to follow what I was instructed to do. That’s exactly what I have been doing the last ten weeks. Following instructions and each week I have been getting results. I haven’t hit a plateau. My losses have been very consistent.

Week 1 she could see her SKIN clear up and dark rings under eyes disappear... now I have her on board and trusting my work.

Fast forward to today and I cant even recognise that person from ten weeks ago. When I see my starting photo and the look on my face, how dark my eyes were etc it just makes me want to cry. I am so much more confident, have so much more energy. I hold myself completely different now, and in approximately my third week I had a very good friend comment on this. I feel like I have my spark back. My eyes are brighter, my skin clearer, I enjoy going out now, I don’t shy away from social situations anymore. I have smashed so many goals in that first ten weeks its insane. For example, I got back to pre second baby weight, I got under 120kgs, I got back to my pre first baby weight, and I nearly back to the weight I was when I met my husband.  I am absolutely loving life again. I am extremely excited about what the future has in store for me, my family and working alongside Nicky to reach more goals!!

Week 1 Checkin - not a smile yet... but it is coming!

YAY she is smiling... feeling good, only took 2 weeks to get her to smile again.

I will always remember this day as it was the first video call, I think about week 3 when I knew she would feel more comfortable seeing me in person, I nearly cried meeting her in person. Was a special moment... I can remember the love and light she was shining down that video phone call session.
A Happy Mum, a Happy Child ~ a quote from my first published book How to Be a Happier Mum by Nicky Arthur 

Congratulations Leanne and thank you for sharing your journey.

The next group kick off is 4th August and Leanne will be in this group as your role model helping others  on their journey. To join all you have to do is reply a big fat 'YES' via Facebook or here and I will as your coach take care of the rest.

Nicky xx


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