Friday, June 21, 2019


BODYWORKS ~ Self Healing Journey 

Your path to finding YOU again. 


My name is  Nicky Arthur. I've been running detox  retreats and healing programmes around Australia, New Zealand and taking clients to the Island of God’s  Bali, Indonesia for the last seven years.

I’ve been facilitating detox programs and now fasting for 10 years years, working with people in one-on-one coaching and consultations, assisting Weightloss programs and yoga, mediation and fitness. .

I am passionate about helping others and provide natural holistic offerings that I share in my work today is helping people to facilitate healing at home for others. 

In a nutshell, that's who I am.

I was born into the world to take this path, I had to learn how to heal my own body, over come stress my own anxiety, and get through a challenging divorce  so I can build a foundation in self healing, happiness, and wellness  and incorporate these principles of health steps into my own life. 

There isn’t a heartache I haven’t felt. I hear you, and I see you. . 

The holistic yoga lifestyle is not about being rigid or strict, or controlled, it’s about owning to self love and letting go of imperfection or perfectionism, being hard on yourself, even self criticism. It is about how you can align yourself to the tnender side, yin energy and let go of the ego,  with using nature and plant based yoga nutrition, meditation, which has helped me stay inspired throughout my own journey. 

Nature heals yet in today’s world, we seem to be moving further and further away from what nature intended us to feel, joy, energy, vitality in a pain-Free body. 

I am a mother, I have been a full  time devoted mum, wife stay at home mum and I have been a business owner busy mum juggling it all. I am divorced and I know what it feels like to have your world turned literally upside down and living a single life in your forties. I know how it feels to be a few pounds heavier, or out of balance. I know how it feels to date in your forties and the challenges around online dating. 

I learnt fast what  helped me remain balanced and healthy through such turmoil time of our lives,  and how to continue to find “the way” to a vital body and happy failfilled self, the practice of yoga meditation and raw and vegan nutrition. 

I'm a teacher. I still love to be. student I. Ashtanga and Tantra Yoga. . I love to inspire people, but I still continue just like you to seek my own truth of the self. 

I work with people and inspire them how to find their own truth and to heal themselves, by honouring the physical body and listening to the mind soul connection to becoming a better version of yourself. 

It’s important for people to know that they can find their way through being a parent and  heal themselves, but there's very specific methods we can use to remove stagnant energy and start the detoxification process the body and genuinely heal ourselves. 

You can join my winter program now to rediscover your fabulous self and Heal your body to freedom. 

We often get caught up, not to realised years have gone by and stuck in a cycle of habit. 

Become the best version of yourself may take a lifetime, but the lifetime you life will be worth every aha moment to finding thy self and self healing.,

Love and light Nocky 

My main passion in life is learning, especially when it's something that I'm passionate about, like ancient yoga philosophy and the holistic therapies for healing. Yoga means union, to bring mind body soul back together as one energy, with health and vitality, we use various different techniques in mind body soul to help that purification process to bring your body back into harmony and alignment. That might mean a physical exercise, it may mean meditation for the mind, or healing nutrition for healing or energy. 

The reason I like ancient practice  is because they were the original physicians and healers. We learn from their lineage. 

I just love learning about things I'm passionate about, and sharing that information with other people after I've tried it. I love it.

To learn more, please visit 

   Namaste Nicky 

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