Sunday, January 15, 2012

Why you should eat seasonal fruit and vegetables

I am building the most amazing vegetable garden, inspired by my Dad's organic garden in NZ. So I am researching to find out what and how to do it the best way we can.  Although my Dad has some great tips I am yet to interview him for his '10 best tips' and share.  This is what I would like to share today. 

In today's rapidly changing, fast paced world , and ready available life style it  can take us right away from what nature intended us to do, eat and breathe.
Yoga and meditation has taught me to realign my life and it is all about Life Force. Energy, light and connecting to your God, divine energy or higher self.
Live raw food will give you energy, and light. Because it is live from the sunlight and becomes a live energy. Packet processed food is a dead energy, a dead food that will leave you feeling heavy and tired. 

Follow the seasons!

Take a look at fruits and vegetables. You can often  buy any fruit and vegetable  pretty much all year round and we tend to think that is healthy.
Nature intended fruits and vegetables to be planted and eaten seasonal. 
If we plant vegetables that are out of season, the bugs come and become almost impossible to control without using chemicals.
At the start of stone fruit season we enjoy the new flavours and textures available and we often crave these fruits in season with out even knowing. 
However through habit we tend to have these fruits all year round and as I am learning this is not wise.
You can become deficient if you were to eat the same food or be on a Mono diet. It is vital your body gets the right nutrients and mineral for LONGEVITY and to live in a pain free body. 
Every food has a season and every 3 months the season changes. In winter nature intended us to eat warming sulphur based foods, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage. Now that is funny, I spent all of winter eating these foods and summer I have not eaten much of them at all. I eat intuitively and meditation has taught  how to do so. I feel at peace and know what my body needs. 
If we try growing foods out of season this is when the bugs come. BOOM! Magic! So if we grow foods in season the bugs seem to will be a minor problem.
 I am yet to truly find that one out as I plant my own. From my  research, this is natures way of ensuring that we only have foods in season... but like the rest of the world we are moving away from nature and what it truly intended us as healthy vibrant and radiant human beings. It makes sense to me, how many people  do you see walking around tired,  lacking energy and VITALITY?
This also ensures that we do not overdose in any one food. 
My tip today is 'If we follow the seasons and consume these  foods we will ensure we have VARIETY and OPTIMAL health. Just what nature intended you to do. 

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