Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mind Body Herbal Medicine Journey

If you read my previous blog from my week one following my total detox mind and body program with Dr Rama Prasad you will be interested to know week two the energy is was unleashed and mental clarity is flowing.

How can a tired sore struggling body one week transform into  a peak performance the next. My entire Mind and Body feels different. 
The physical body has gone from sore and struggling and in my training I am able to train with intensity and focus. This is allowing me to go from strength to strength and I can feel the progression in my training each session. The mind is not fighting and is more positive when the tough gets tough.
I can see and feel the difference in my digestive system. The bloated feeling is gone, I am feeling lighter, leaner and more energised, all of what Dr Rama Prasad promised. 

One of the key things I have learnt is you may think you body is healthy and happy but until you do a detox you learn so much more about your body. I had toxins in my body that needed to come out. My system was a little acidic, even though I claim to eat a very healthy alkaline based diet. How could this be? Its the dreaded word 'Stress' I have learnt though my practice of Yoga and Meditation and Yoga nutrition you just have to get rid of the stress.

I spoke for the Leukaemia Foundation this week and had great pleasure getting to know some of the patients struggles. One lady shared with me she thought she was never a stressed person, but after her research into the her disease she shared with me from her reading and knowledge, it comes from stress. She also said to me with such depth and meaning ' I don't want to be stressed or live with stress' 

Managing stress is something we need to continue to learn to manage on a daily basis. From my experience Yoga, meditation and practising relaxation has helped me let go of stress, and manage  the challenges that can occur in our life. 

It all becomes so logical and clear when you get a good understanding of how the body works, especially our digestive system. If we eat with adrenalin running around our body, or in a stressed state, how can I body process this easily. 

It is important to eat your food slowly and in a positive mindset. It was something I learnt in Bali from the Balinese, to bless your food with gratitude, be calm and around nature. 

When the sunsets I often listen to the birds chirping and preparing themselves to fly off home, its something I remember my mum telling me as a child. She would say ' Listen to the birds, they are all flying off home to prepare for bed' and then in the morning what do we hear, the birds are back and awake chirping and excited about their day, they wake with the sunrise.
Living a natural life aligned to nature helps us understand how the human body can work in its best optimum peak state. The best sleep you will ever get is  researched and scientifically proven it is between 10pm-2am. How many people do you know still up at 10pm- 12 pm. They are missing a whole 2 hrs of quality sleep.

I am in week 3 of my cleanse and I really can't express how amazing I feel. The energy is increasing everyday and there are no low energy periods in my day. I feel vibrant energised and excited about my life and journey. I am not hungry, feel leaner but not focusing on weight loss, but more mental clarity, energy and the cleansing of toxins and releasing any acidity from my internal body. The weight loss seems to be helping my Bikram training and I feel more in a peak performance state, as my training session are becoming more powerful and positive everyday. The negative self talk of not being good enough for this BIKRAM training has gone. Even though it is known BIKRMA tries to break you down and if you don't think you need to be broken apparently you do!

Best of all my body is waking up before my alarm and I feel peaceful and energised to start my day at the crack of dawn with the birds. 

Previously I would do some writing or meditation before I would eat my breakfast. While I am on this cleanse I am doing a mini meditation and straight up to prepare my breakfast, then write.

I would like to share this crisp bread recipe. Because I am on grain free, I miss my breads and this is such a nutritious and satisfying recipe. Preventive health is the way to go adding mindset exercises and Yoga nutrition will get your body in a peak performance and a zest back to your life. 

Note: Be aware it will get your bowls moving, remember a healthy body should be going at least 3-4 times pr day, and should be fluffy and floaty, not sinky and stinky. 

                                                   Quinoa and Kale Crisp bread

1 cup Kale
1/2 cup fresh basil
1 cup pre cooked quinoa ( I use the dark seed)
2 cups LSA
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1 tsp cumin
1 tspn oregano
1/2 tspn sea salt
1tsp olive oil
1/3 warm water

Process kale, basil, cumin, oil, salt, oregano first add to a large bowl. Process sunflower seeds (or you can add pumpkin seeds) just until forms fine crumbles, add to bowl, add LSA and water, mix well until forms a dough consistency. Be careful with water, add slowly as you mix, you may need more or less. Line out large flat baking tray with baking paper, press mixture out then use another sheet of baking paper to go on top, roll out with a rolling pin on top of the baking paper, so it does not stick, roll out fine, aim for a fine flat bread.

You can dehydrate or bake on a low heat 100 degree for 15- 20 min. Be careful not over cook, it does not take long and is easy to burn. I bake for 10-15 mins and then turn oven off for 5, it usually dries it out nicely. Cut with pizza cutter into nice square and top with avocado, salad, hummus, or just plain Vegemite or a home made fresh jam.

Benefits of Quinoa.

Quinoa  comes from a seed, so it is grain free, people often think it is a grain. So it is gluten and grain free. A great source of protein, fibre , iron. Contains lysine, which is known for tissue growth and repair. Rich in Magnesium, Magnesium helps to relax blood vessels and thereby to alleviate migraines. Magnesium also may reduce Type 2 diabetes by promoting healthy blood sugar control. Other health benefits of magnesium include transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification , energy production, and the formation of healthy bones and teeth.
High in riboflavin (B2) and high in manganese - an oxidant which can help prevent damage of the mitochondria during energy production as well as protect red blood cells and other cells by injury by free radicals.
 sourced from

March workshop was a great success and sell out. Details below for our next Workshop April 6th 9am-1pm Lunch included with Cooking session you will LOVE! To book email nicky@nickyarthur today

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