Sunday, March 3, 2013

My Amazing Ayurveda Detox

Ayurveda Peak Health for Peak Performance

When I studied Yoga, I learnt about this fascinating holistic approach to nutrition and lifestyle. As many of you know I have been on my own personal to cleaning up my own nutrition and life style. What makes me laugh now; looking back I thought I was healthy. I thought I was living a rather healthy life style.  There were many habits I had fallen into without even realizing.  
Becoming a Yoga teacher has helped me evolve, grow and learn so much more about the human body and learn so many of us are at our full potential of what we could be.

After bringing a regular meditation and yoga practice into my life, I naturally gave up drinking alcohol, nearly four years ago now and have stopped eating any processed foods.
My sugar cravings have gone, and now don't need a chunk of dark chocolate at night to satisfy my cravings. 

Over the past year I have had the great pleasure to get to know Dr Rama Prasad who is a specialist in Ayurvedic medicine.

One week ago I had a meeting with Dr Rama Prasad to discuss our up and coming workshops together, to help bring awareness to this peak performance way of living to my followers. At the end of the meeting Dr Rama Prasad took one look into my mouth, read my tongue, told me everything that was possibly going on with my body, in which later that week I found out that to be true.

Rama first recommended me to start easing off my nighttime meal, and ease off food from later afternoon and take magnesium oxide that is a colon cleanse.
Note: Ayurvedic is scientifically and medically proven, it suggests by resting the digestive system for 16 hrs it is helping to detox and purify the system and heal the digestive system. 

  The next day I started to follow his instructions. After four days I had lost 1 kilo and started to feel quite sore in the muscles, bear in mind I am doing Bikram yoga most days. I felt very tired and almost lethargic and sluggish like he described I was. Had he just woken me up to how my body actually was functioning and bringing awareness to it. I had put it down to the intense training in Bikram I was doing, leading up for my teacher-training course in Los Angeles in 6 weeks time.
Some of my Bikram practices were becoming harder, and started to feel sick in the class. My mind started to play games with me and the monkey mind went off in all sorts of tangents questioning if this was not a path I should be taking, even though my hearts desire really wants to become a teacher. My mind was telling me cutting out the meals is not working for me, I have no energy, and so on.
Thank fully I had a consultation booked with Dr Rama on the forth day of starting my cleanse. He said to stick with what I was doing as it is all part of the cleansing process. I started to take the magnesium oxide at night to start the flushing process. It works overnight and when you wake at 6am you have a massive clean out of the bowels. The next day I felt even worse. I had booked a massage, had a hot both and rested from Bikram. My monkey mind was still playing games but I stayed with the program.
One thing I had noticed happening was no cravings at all. I eat a big breakfast and lunch consisting of vegetables, nuts or seeds, grain free. I eat fruit in between meals and after 2pm no food. I found myself wanting a peach or piece of fruit later afternoon, sometime early evening at the beginning. Dr Rama suggested to ease into this and it was ok if I had something small, and to listen to my body, and don't go hungry.
The next day I got up early cooked a big raw food breakfast along with some seeded crisp-bread, that is gluten free, grain free. I felt so full and struggled to eat all of it. Two hrs later I went to my class and again felt really sick throughout the class.
I really wanted to leave, and felt like I should not have come. If you know Bikram, you are not allowed to leave the class once it’s started, BIkram says never give up, and even when you are feeling sick you have to stay in the room. The theory is this is part of the detoxing process and the sign of sickness means you are cleansing toxins out. I couldn't help but think, was my body this toxic, I thought I was healthy!

After the class I had to contact Dr Rama about my symptoms, I really need some help and some answers. I was wondering if this was not suiting my body and my training. My mind was fearful if I continue like this leading up to LA, how would I cope with 5 hrs Bikram a day for 6 days a week!
Dr Rama called me back straight away, even on a Sunday. He explained what was going on with my body, and reassured me this can be normal for some people he are cleansing toxins out of their system. 
He also explained the sick and bloated feeling was a sign that the toxins are coming out, but the feeling of sickness means they can be filling back up in the body, and we need to get them out. 

I could not believe the next step and this is why I wanted to share with you.

Dr Rama advised me to drink one liter of cold water with 100mls of boiling water and two teaspoons of salt, drink it as fast as I could standing in the bathroom. He asked me to massage my tummy firmly once I had drunk all of the water; until you guessed it I vomit.
I did exactly what he said and it all went to plan. My insides where being literally cleansed. There seemed to be bucket loads of water. After the task was done. I cleaned my teeth and started to feel a sense of calm in my tummy. It was not long after this I took a hot bath for the sore muscles, and then within 30 minutes there was a huge unleash of energy. I felt completely energized.
The rest of the day I was able to go and teach a yoga class feeling really energized and no sore muscles or tummy. I felt positive calm and centered.
The next day the energy kept on coming, while the energy was high I was able to do a back to back Bikram class as part of my preparation for the Teacher Training course coming up.
I had one of my best classes ever, and I was able to fly through the second class with positive and calm energy. I felt in a very meditative state and felt like the struggle was over with myself and my body from the past week of de-toxing and cleansing. I was in peak performance and challenging myself all the way, with mental clarity. 

Yet it is early days yet and  today is a good day in Mind Body and Soul. I hope I never have to experience that bloated, nauseated feeling.
After the back-to-back class to day my yoga teacher also explained when taking up the challenge of practicing Bikrma everyday these symptoms of the body feeling sore can also come up. They also say the nausea is a sign of cleansing toxins out of the internal body.
She also said it was a positive thing for me to experience this while I am here and not IN Los Angeles so if it happens while I am miles away from home and my loved ones I will know what is going on with my body and know how to cope with it.
So one week down with Dr Rama Prasad and to date I have lost 2 kilos, but as Dr Rama will highlight, its not about the weight it about the mental clarity that will come and the cleansing of the body. To be honest the 2 kilos lighter feels great when you are twisting and folding your body in half. It seems a little more comfortable and I am learning how much my body had become toxic and bloated. I eat healthy but in 2012 I experienced a very stressful year, and its my understanding we just have to find a way to rid any stress or fatigue out of the human body, for longevity and preventative health. Here I thought I was doing this to help prepare my body for Los Angeles but I am learning there is so much more why I have been lead to do this de-tox and restore my digestive system. After slipping into bad habits and eating on the run, not chewing my food slowly has shown me why my digestive system needed help. I know chew each mouthful 30-40 times. Think about it next time you eat, it will bring awareness to how fast you are gobbling down you food. 

I will be blogging about this Auyreveda and Bikram challenge over the next few months so if you want to read my story and keep updated please follow my blog by clicking the follow button on the right hand screen.  Stay connected to me while I prepare for maybe the greatest challenges I have to date and while I am in LA.
If you have any question please email me or stay connected via facebook

I hope you enjoyed this honest and thorough story of my journey so far with Dr Rama Prasad. I believe when you are awakened to life, you meet people along your journey to help you and the right books, program, teachers and people start to show up along the way.
I am very grateful for Dr Rama's help and guidance, I feel safe and secure to listen and follow through with his instructions. Thank you Rama. 
If you wan a consultation with Dr Rama you can check out his website. He travels all around Australia and also has phone call and skype sessions available. It may be one of the best things  you do for your health and internal body. 

Ayurveda Peak Health for Peak Performance

Love and Light
 Nicky xx

1 comment:

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