Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Gluten Free

A gluten-free diet can be healthy, as long as it is based on foods that are NATURALLY gluten free! 

The problems arise when people eat “gluten free” foods made with refined starches instead. (DISASTROUS!  Instead of processed foods try wholesome one ingredient foods.) 

These foods are no better than their gluten-containing counterparts, because gluten free junk food is still junkA gluten-free diet can be healthy, as long as it is based on foods that are naturally gluten free.

The problems arise when people eat “gluten free” foods made with refined starches instead.

These foods are no better than their gluten-containing counterparts, because gluten free junk food is still junk food.

As BIKRAM use to tell us at teacher training...
a junk body a JUNK MIND! It's true, what you put into your body through NUTRITION and MIND through THOUGHT is everything to what you get back in energy, vitality and happiness.

For me after spending years trying to work out my own body and mind and fine tune my health, nutrition and energy has been totally TRANSFOMATIONAL! 

The key is to start changing little habits, one at a time and get to know your OWN body at a more intimate level. Then the challenge is to make sure you take responsibility to look after yourself everyday! Not at weekends or once a week, everyday. 

Don't be fooled by buying processes gluten free packaged foods. Aim for whesome one ingredient live foods that nature has provided in abundance to you. 

The Bottom Line: Quinoa is naturally free of gluten 
use it instead of typical gluten-free ingredients can increase the antioxidant and nutrient value of a gluten-free diet.

Quinoa is Very High in Protein, With All The Essential Amino Acids That we Need!

Remember to bless your food with gratitude and love before you eat. 

Blessings  Nicky x

#gluten-free #vegetarian #vegan #live #health #fitness #yoga #meditation #bikram #retreats #raw ##weight loss #energy #vitality #transform #amazinglife #contentment #happiness #nickyarthur.com.au 

 Retreat Dates

Port Hedland 27th Feb 3 Day

Hunter Valley NSW March 6th -8th 
Includes accommodation food and raw cooking class yoga meditation walking fitness 

Karratha 27th March 3 Day

Bali 5th July 5 Day - nearly booked out! 

Go to events at  FB Nicky Arthur 10 Week Mind & Body Transformation

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