Sunday, January 11, 2015


What are your goals for 2015?

The year is well under way and many people are returning back to work and possibly back to the mundane  routine they were in before the Festive Season and some will be returning to a job and career they LOVE!

I hope you have taken some time out for yourself, with yourself to reflect on what worked in 2014 and what you would like to change and achieve for 2015 and what direction you would like to take.

Now is the crucial time to set your bench marks for 2015 and go get it and I believe by beginning with aligning you health can be the beginning of that journey.

Are you allowing yourself to stay stuck? Or are your ready to go get 2015? 
Change can be scary for many, but it will be all worth it when you can feel the gained results, alignment and most of all the balanced feeling within, whether it is your career, family life, relationships or gaining purpose on what is your soul purpose in life.

'Throughout life we all can fall off track with health goals, work goals and even family or relationships.'

My last blog was about letting it all go and giving you some mindset tools to help you ignite your flame within again so you can now MOVE FORWARD into 2015.

The year is here and maybe just doing one small thing at a time can help you re ignite those goals.

Starting the New Year with a gentle and easy detox cleanse I believe can get you moving again and excited about life and what you want to achieve. It helps create the FLOW STATE!

I have spent the past few months putting together my new 3 week Program The Body Work, an easy to follow step by step plan to help you make an awesome start to 2015.

The Body Work is YOUR 3 Week DETOX PLAN inspired by my latest book The Power of Living Raw By Nicky Arthur, inspiring others to make life style change. 

Why Detox?

Detoxification is one of the bodyʼs most basic automatic functions of eliminating and neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin. Unfortunately in this day and age, the lifestyle majority of the world are living with pollution found in the air, water and food people eat, our bodies have a hard time keeping up. A chemicalised diet with too much animal protein, too much saturated and trans fats, too much caffeine and alcohol and added stress radically alters our internal ecosystem.

On The Body Work Detox we recognise that optimal wellness comes from learning to love and respect the body, mind, and spirit, where health and well-being are a reflection of inner harmony.

Have you ever eaten something processed and then thought to yourself you will just go burn it off? This program is about creating a whole new everlasting holistic approach to your life that will prevent illness and a low immune system, especially down the track and later in life. I know that these concepts work for me: I do not spend time at the doctor, or ever spend money on medication and so can YOU! 

  • Do you want and easy Detox Plan?

  • Step by step and easy to follow?

  • Do you want to learn how to eat Raw and Yummy recipes that will give you energy but help you shed kilo's?

On a program, it is common for many people to drop off and go back to their old ways and habits. This program will help you reflect and find the fire in your belly again, and to reignite your goals!
The Body Work program is all about pushing through barriers and making changes, so that you can reach a new bench mark. By making positive changes, you can reach your goals and live a healthier, fitter happier and more successful life.

Taking part in The Body Work 3 Week program helps you not only to cleanse from the inside out but also make other positive changes to your routine and life.
At times you might be feeling strong - you might be right in your zone - or you might be feeling completely lost. No matter how you are feeling right now, your challenge is simple and straightforward. It is to design your own life and strengthen yourself week by week to get back into the FLOW STATE where you are experiencing vitality, energy, contentment, and success.
The New Year is a good time to stop, pause and re-evaluate your goals. What is working for your body and what is not? Do you even know? NOW is the time to get going on 2015 and make it the best year ever. By taking up a detox and cleanse for your body it naturally does more than just getting your bowels moving again, it helps to flush unwanted toxins, stagnant energy that may be holding you back form living life on your terms, and feel a deeper sense of happiness and con tenement than ever before. 
When you learn to re align the body, gain balance and fuel your body with alkalising foods you will notice that your sugar levels will balance out, and you will less likely to feel like sugar and alcohol.

Many people use sugar, alcohol and other substances or addictions to gain pleasure when under a stress. On the program you will be gently guided step by step to help you break down some habits, and kick start your cleanse. 
People use alcohol for 'RELAXATION'  unfortunately the reality is it is toxic and it may set your immune system back even more, depending on how often you use alcohol as a relaxant. 
Many people do not know how to manage themselves in today's world and work under pressure. people grab food on the run and simply are not resting their digestive system enough.
Are you one of those ones who think relaxing is wasting time, or are you not comfortable to do nothing to restore?
Is there always this constant need to be busy in today's world for you?

Movement is important but when you are moving around from one thing to another and then using alcohol and other substances in between, are you really giving your body a chance to gain glance, restore and relax. You will know the difference when you actually gain balance.
Yoga helps to teach you to be comfortable with the POWER of stillness and by incorporating  meditation as a tool to EMPTY  out your vessel. When you learn to  do this, you gain balance, energy and clarity. 

Yoga is a highly beneficial way to help cleanse toxins from your body. By taking a Yoga class or my online Yoga and core workouts this can help increase your energy and purge toxins from your body. By adding walking or light jogging can also help increase energy. But remember the relaxation, taking time out to do nothing and completely rest your physical body is just as powerful for your mind and body.
You may have to be creative with your time to schedule in your yoga and walking. 
 Here are some suggestions:
·       set your alarm
·       park the car away from work
·       organise a girlfriend or your partner to walk with you
·       walk in your lunch hour
·       walk to school
·       walk to the shop

Time time, time! Often in today's world  we feel there is never enough time.
The world may feel like it is speeding up, and it is, however  you can always make more time for your health. More and more people are looking for LIFE STYLE CHANGE. 
The bottom line is your HEALTH must become a priority! You aren't getting any younger. Learn how to age gracefully and gain more energy as you age rather than feel depleted. 
You only get one chance to look after your temple, you're body. This is it, and the clock is ticking. 

Do you want to ...

    Cleans mucous & toxins from intestinal tract and major organs

    Eliminate toxins from the body

    Increase energy & vitality 

    Eliminate Sugar cravings

    Weight loss

    Restore, revitalise and rejuvenation 

    Re centre and balance

  • Get back on track today by joining now. 
  • Take the thinking out of it and just FOLLOW the steps. 
  • Comes with grocery lists and meal planners. 
  • Step by step guide to a healthy and holistic gentle cleanse. 
  • NO fasting. 
  • Real wholesome food. 
  • Recipes, vegan, gluten free, dairy free, amazing and yummy!
  • Healing Juices and teas to soothe and calm your TUMMY!
  • FREE meditation/relaxation CD.

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