Wednesday, May 23, 2018

How a 15 mins Meditation can help your drink less and reduce cravings


There’s fresh evidence in favor of meditation and mindfulness practices—not just sitting cross-legged in meditation—to help ease stress and anxiety

Just 15 mins a day could make the world of difference to your Mind, Body and moods. 

I have been on a journey with meditation and mindfulness since the early age of 27years old  it came into my life when I was building my empires Hair and Beauty Salons, not one but two and competing in Fitness Competitions. My life was jam packed full and crazy, but I loved it. The meditation and mindfulness helped me maintain some form of balance.

Even though there were days and times where I didn't feel balanced if I didn't meditate, relax or practice, those were the moments I kept coming back to the practice. When I became pregnant I embraced it even more, so I could connect with my growing baby girl. 

Back then it was looked upon as a hippy practice, and an ancient practice indeed. It wasn't until my yoga teacher teacher training I made it part of my daily life on a more consistent level, not only did I benefit from it but two daughter embraced in the stillness. Meditation helped me let go of the need to drink alcohol frequently and control sugar cravings. 

Mindfulness and emotional well-being

When you meditate, you may eliminate  the information overload that builds up every day and contributes to your stress through everyday living. 
The emotional benefits of meditation can include:

  • Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations
  • Learning new skills to manage your stress
  • Increasing mind body self-awareness
  • Focusing on the present moment 
  • Reducing negative emotion mindset 
  • Increasing clarity imagination and creativity
  • Increasing a sense of calm  patience and tolerance

Children can also benefit from sitting in meditation mindfulness at any age. 

Meditation and Mindfulness can help with the following health problems 

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Chronic pain
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Sleep problems
  • Tension headaches

There is POWER in stillness. It is almost the opposite to what you have always been told. Yes moving you body is as important, but many people living in today's world and in this western world are not breathing correctly  and in effect this plays a big role in effecting your digestive system and managing stress. Provide balance in your body, mind and soul.

Here is how to do it.

  • A quiet setting. If you're a beginner, practicing meditation may be easier if you're in a quiet spot with few distractions, including no television, radios or phones, noise. I personally love finding a spot around nature or quiet room, with essential oils, and candles. 

  •  A comfortable position. You can practice meditation whether you're sitting, lying down, walking, or in other positions or activities. Just try to be comfortable so that you can get the most out of your meditation. Aim to keep good posture during meditation.

  • For beginners, make sure you prop a pillow under your bottom so your knees are lower than your hips, I find most people get uncomfortable in seated position so make sure right from the start you are comfortable and supported. You can even prop pillows under your knees and behind your back. You will need them if new to seated meditation. 

  • Breath work - In meditation  focus on your breath. Notice when you monkey mind distracts you off into a story. Try not to get involved in that story and keep connecting back to you breath. Breathe in and out through your nose and try to keep the breaths slow and as deep as you can in to the belly, rather than up into your chest. Try bragging in for 6 counts and out for 6 counts. This technique will help restore and optimise your digestive system, helping you to increase energy and break down your food more efficiently.

If you have been feeling stressed NOW is the time to get off the treadmill of life, running around and finally be still in mind body and soul. Meditation and restore your mind and body through meditation mindfulness., Unleash all those amazing feelings of calm, in control of your own time, happiness, peace, joy and harmony.

My coaching  program is designed to provide you with more than a diet, or eating plan, but help you to manage stress, increase energy and really start connecting to your highest self and strengths.  Just 15 mins of meditation mindfulness a day could help you ease of drinking, control sugar binges and cravings, find inner peace, control of time and clarity of mind. 

To Download my mindfulness meditation click the link below

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